Why Linear Tracking never took off?

Popular in the mid-80s...Linear tracking tables have vanished from the scene...what was the rational behind their creation?...Are there any good used tables to consider...or is this design long gone?....thanks...the simplicity of operation intrigues me...
How did i miss this thread???

I've got a Sota Star Sapphire vacuum platter with an ET II air bearing linear tracking arm on it.

I've got another Sota Star Sapphire vacuum platter with a Clearaudio TQ-I linear tracking arm on it.

I've got a Maplenoll Athena with an air bearing linear tracking arm on the way. It should be here sometime late next week.

I've got an HK / Rabco ST-7 linear tracker.

I've got an HK / Rabco ST-4 linear tracker.

I've got a Revox B-790 linear tracker.

I've got a Pioneer PL-800 linear tracker.

My guess is that the reason that Linear tracker's never took off is because very few people have ever seen or heard one. That's because i bought them all : ) Sean
Bob: I never really liked B&O gear. It is "stylish" and all but i always thought of it as being "gutless". While their TT's might be okay, i have a hard time with any design that is proprietary i.e. support components ( phono cartridge ) has to be bought from them and only them. Sean
Sean, I figured that might be your answer and in general I agree. I found the 4002 to be more than OK, but did run into reliability problems with the lifting mechanism. Got an Oracle Alexandra Mk IV with Rega 300 after that.
BTW, one could fit other cartridges than the B & O on the 4002 using an adaptor, although I never tried that.