How do I adjust the speed on my Linn Sondek LP 12?

I took the outer platter off to make a template for a home brew turntable mat (I know that most people would say to use the felt mat but it's an easy way to fuss with VTA and to try new things) and I turned it on to watch where the belt was riding on the inner platter (down low towards the bottom). Anyway, when I put it back together the speed is much to fast. The 'table is an 1984 lp 12 with Vahalla power supply. I bought it used from a Doctor who did not have much time to use it because he moved a lot and was too busy. He "stored" it in the basement for the last 4 years. I've had it for two months and it worked great until yesterday. I have a copy of the set up manual but I wonder if it there is something wrong with the Valhalla that can not be remedied with minor adjustment. If so, does anyone know of a good Linn set up tech. in the Berkley Ca. or greater Bay Area. And finaly, should I consider a Circus up grade while I have it in the shop? I assume it is going to cost me upwards of a $100.00 just to have them check it out and "tune it up". If I go the upgrade ($325 ??)I will essentially get the first $100 of shop time "free" and perhaps have better performance in the end. I paid $675.00 for the table with Ittok LV II and Koetsu Rosewood cartridge with little use. Any feed back or opinions would be helpful. Thank you.
You got a steal of a deal on that rig. You must get the origin live dc motor kit and power supply replacement. The money invested will get you a lot better performance. This is a major upgrade for the Linn, and considering you are using a Koetsu Rosewood cartridge, you need the best rig you can, to get max performance. Ivor Tiefenbaum the guy who made this turntable says the table is 50% of the ,table arm, cartridge equation, so any improvement there will reap more rewards. Do some research on this. There are reviews on the Web, as well as testimonials from Linn Owners. Good Luck! Let me know when you do this and how it sounds.
I hope someone can help me.
I have a Linn LP 12 turntable and I need help with the belt adjustment. When the turntable is in off position the belt is in the lower pulley. On start up the belt moves into the top proper pulley position. When shut off it drops into the lower position. I understsnd that is opposite. I have tried adusting the screws with no help. This is a old belt. I purchased a new belt and it will ride in the low or upper pulley by adjusting the screws but will not go up or down on start up or shut off.
Hello Motorbike,
I assume you have the platter upside down on the inner platter while you are observing this. The speed is adjusted by changing the motor tilt. There are 2 screws, one towards the platter and one on the opposite side furthest away from the platter. You need to back one off before pressing the other towards the motor. The more tilt you have is making the tt run slower and less tilt makes it go faster. You need to get a speed checker to determine this. Trying to draw any conclusion without adjusting the speed properly is arbitrary. Also, make sure the oil is topped up, meaning the the oil should gather at the top of the spindle when you raise the inner platter out of the well.
I use a Linn motor in an off- board housing, driving a Linn sub platter and bearing. The only points of contact for the motor to its custom housing are where the bolts pass thought the 4 mounting olives either side of the motor mount lugs. The tilt is adjustable via the threaded legs on the motor housing mount. Speed control is actually via the parallelness or otherwise, of the two cylinders being the sub platter and drive pulley walls. Not parallel to each other means a washing off of speed due to friction losses. NB , a new motor needs a good break in period, too. The Valhalla will be swapped out for a Hercules this year. The best I can get is 1% slow, so far.
MMIIKKEE hang in there. Hurcules is no better than Valhalla. Been there done that. Use the 2 screws that connect to the EARS of the motor. They swivel. Look up Linn Sondek LP12 manuals for adjustments, get a strobe platter and just take your time. A lingo may be nice, but isn't necessary to get good sound. Best of luck.