Linear tracking arms

Forgive my question,I am not an analog expert.If properly designed linear tracking arm is better why should we put up with lesser design? Or they are not compatible with most turntables and cartridges? Or difficult to make work?
Will you educate me on the subject.
Inna. Linear tracking arms have some unique advantages in the tracking error area, and are generally preferred for that reason. However, all linear tracking designs are not created equal, and the ones that can best take advantage of this design are quite complex and expensive. This puts really good linear tracking out of the price range of a lot of buyers. Lower cost linear trackers introduce other problems that outweigh the potential benefits that they might try to provide with this design. So generally it is understood that in the lower to medium price ranges, the pivot arm is a better choice. And even in the high end, there are some advantages to pivot arms, but near-elimination of tracking error is not one of them.
Inna, Twl has said it pretty good. i would add as a linear tracking arm owner that if you don't go for the best (read air-bearing) then a pivoting arm will be better. for the linear arm to track along a friction shaft properly you would need to be a total fanatic....and smart and lucky too.

i had 2 versions of the unipivot Graham arm over a 5 year period and was always very happy with the performance and never frustrated. if you do deciede to go the Linear route be prepared to do what it takes to do it right.
These two guys have it right. Having been an owner of two Graham arms and now using a state of the art air bearing linear, I agree with everything that has been said.

It is more difficult and parts intensive (pumps, hoses, regulators, gauges, etc.) to get an air bearing installed and working, and unless it's done right, it can be worse than a pivot arm.

The Air Tangent from Sweden immediately comes to mind. I had one of these beautiful $10K arms over three months and never got it to perform as well as the Graham 2.2.

The Rockport and Walker linear air bearing arms provide another level performance over a Graham 2.2 or any other pivot arm. These two linear versions also represent a HUGE investment compared to the best pivot arms.

Unless the remainder of the system is up to the task, this is probably not be the first or most economical place to upgrade your music.