Technics SL-10 Linear Tracking

I'm trying to break into the vinyl side of music and I would really appreciate any advice I could get on a hand-me-down from my Dad.

He hasn't used the turntable for at least 15 years, so operationally I have no idea what condition it's in.

The catch is that he misplaced the AC power cord so at the moment i cannot plug it in.

The AC power jack is a lot smaller than the standard size for audio components. The interesting thing is that there are two power supply imputs: the AC power jack and a DC power jack (12 V).

Should I just walk over to Radio Shack and pick up a 12 V universal power cord?

Finally, there is also a MM/MC button on the back, does that mean I won't need to buy a phono stage?


Does anyone have any recommendations for an under $200 phono preamp/outboard phono stage that would match well with a Technics SL-10 with the orginal 310-MC cartridge?

I've read good things about the Cambridge Audio 640P but was wondering if there were other phono preamps to consider with the exception of the NAD PP-2 phono preamp. I just didn't like it in my system.

Other members have told me to go for a used Lehmann Black Cube or the Vincent PHO-9 but both are over $350 and I don't know if I'm willing to make that much of a commitment.

I primarily use vinyl to play back classical music.

Thanks again
Jed, have you looked into the Jolida JD-9? Popular, flexible and can be found for probably right around $300 or so. If it turns out to be not your thing there's an active resale market.

SL-10 does have a built in pre that isn't the best, as I'm sure you know.
Hi Brick997

I'm going to check out the Jolida JD9. I think there is a Jolida dealer not to far away from me locally. Thanks for the heads up. I got the SL-10 hooked up with the built in pre and I'm not a happy camper. The music was faint. I double checked to make sure I had the SL-10's built-in preamp set to MC which I did and the music did play but the volume was low. When I set it to MM music was even more faint.
I've got news for you. The SL-10 does not have a built in phono amp so no wonder it sounds like crap. It just has a step up for MC or normal output (no step-up)MM. It still requires a phono stage.
Hi Rhljazz

Thanks for the news update. My naivete' about vinyl is showing as well as my haste in posting. After reading your most recent post and then scrolling up through this thread I saw that you covered this issue before on Nov 30 2010.