Solid stylus cleaners: Extreme Phono vs. Onzow Zer

The Onzow is more than twice as expensive as the Extreme it worth it? Any experience/preferences with this kind of device? In particular, do any of them work as well or better than the liquid kind?
Ooops typo - shoulda said 20x loupe. But yes, every play. The loop is mounted on a small stand and set to stylus height, so its easy to move in close and look. It just takes a few moments. Guess I'm being finicky but worth it to me and now its a habit. The Zerodust does the job almost every time, but I'll also clean with LAST cleaner once every few days.

Well, I tried out the Extreme Phono but was quite disapointed, at least by the packaging -- I couldn't get the %#%$# thing open! It was just too much trouble. I put a Speed mat under my Ringmat Anniversary, though, and it was like buying a new (and much better) TT. Anyway, now I clean with Record Research stylus cleaner at the start of each session and either a mr. clean or a camel's hair art brush between sides.
I have never tried the Extreme Phono, but I think the Zerodust should be analog product of the year.
I've used Extreme for over a decade on a Lyra B and now on a Benz Ruby 3. Some of the remarks above are accurate, sometimes difficult to fumble opening the clamshell, goop falling out when sent, etc. However, I never had extra goop on the stylus and use it regularly (every five records). In between uses I use a dense record brush. I am considering using the Magic Eraser method (up and down only) instead of the record brush as the brush may pull the cantilever (or not, my cartridges last more than 2500 hours). I recommend the Extreme for best results.
P.S. I use another Extreme clamshell on 78s every play. Even presumably clean sides have grit or grime which appear after use. Do not mix 78 and LP cleanings in one clamshell. The grit and grime of 78s is significant and sometimes as large as the LP stylus.