Nakamichi 505 or the Dragon ?

Can someone tell me if I were to get either the Nakamichi 505 or the Dragon which one will out preform the other in overall sound quality. Or are these two pretty much equal in playback?
The Tandberg 3014 will easily outperform any Nakamichi deck, including the Dragon. I have compared many times when I worked at an audio store that sold both brands. Tandberg always won.

I realize that you only asked about the Nak decks, but I felt compelled to inform you about the Tandberg, since you are considering a high performance deck.
FWIW I have always found Nak decks to only sounds best when played back on that deck. That is great if you aren't planning onusing the tapes else where... but otherwise can be a problem.

I must also admit, that I still have a Nak C4A in my system, the unit must be 20 years old, and still works perfectly.
Thank you, I should have added that I am interested in what other players may be suggested.