VPI TNT HRX table - what tonearms?

I just bought, but have not yet picked up, a VPI TNT HRX turntable, which comes with a VPI JMW 12.5 tonearm. I also have a Graham 2.2 arm and a SME IV arm. Assuming I had the proper armboards, would either of these be superior to the JMW? Would other tonearms be superior to the JMW with this table?
I believe, with the TNT HRX, you are stuck with the VPI tone arms because they are completely top-mounted. The TNT HRX has a very thick plinth with no provision for an arm board as such. Unless VPI has a version of the HRX with and arm board cut-away that I don't know about, no other tone arm will work except VPI's own 'arms on the HRX.

Now the TNT-6 in the non-HR version, on the other hand, DOES have an arm-board. And in that case, I would try the SME iV first, then the Graham.

What is/are your cartridge(s) and what is your phono stage or phono section?
I suggest you try the JMW that comes with the table. If you like it, you could save a lot of work.

The HRX does not come with interchangeable arm boards. The arm is mounted in a hole drilled through the three-layer (plastic, steel, plastic) plinth. (I understand that the proper drilling of this hole is a serious machining job.) The JMW arm is physically larger than the Graham 2.2 and most other arms (probably including your SME IV). In order to use another arm, you need to have the hole drilled in a different place, and that place has to be precisely located to fit your arm. Your arm manufacturer needs to communicate with VPI for this. With the Graham 2.2, a little platform of a particular height is needed as well.

When I bought my HRX, I ordered it without the JMW, and I requested that it be drilled for a Graham 2.2, which I now have mounted on the HRX. As a result, I can assure you that VPI has been sent the specs for locating the hole for the Graham 2.2. I can attest that the HRX sounds very good with the Graham. Of course, I have not been able to compare the sound with the JMW or the SME arms. I explained my rationale for choosing the Graham over the JMW in a previous thread (try an Audiogon search for HRX). I have a Graham Phantom on order, with an understanding that it will fit into the same hole as the 2.2. I'll save the dustcover saga for another occasion.

Good luck.
Dear Suttlaw: With your Koetsu cartridge the SME IV will be the best. BTW, I think that you can really do a great improvement in your analog system if you choose to change your cartridge for a better one.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Thank you for the information. I am now using a ZYX R-1000 Airy2 S cartridge, CAT SL-3 preamp, JL-2 amp. I have a Bent MU MC stepup transformer on order to try with the CAT phono stage.
I didn't realize the HRX was so daunting in regard to changing arms, so I'll probably stick with the JMW for now. (BTW, this is the solid metal plinth/chassis prototype HRX.) I would be interested in Jameswei's comparison with the Graham 2.2 if he ever gets a chance to hear the HRX with the JMW.
I see from the manual I downloaded that I need a 34x21 surface for the table plus dustcover, which is larger than the wall mount stand I have been using (to avoid footfall vibrations from 1st floor wood floor in 100 year old house). If I don't use the optional dust cover (the saga, Raul?), how large a platform to I really need? Any suggestions as to a good stand?
Also, I notice that the JMW doesn't use a din connection tonearm cable (which all of mine are, of course). Any suggestions there?
Has anyone tried changing powercords on the SDS?
OK, dustcovers. The HRX turntable itself covers a rectangle 25 x 19 inches. This is more likely to fit in your location.

The VPI dustcover is a two piece affair that rests on the same surface as the HRX. The bottom piece consists of four walls that are longer and wider than the HRX itself and rise to about the level of the plinth. The top piece is identical except it has a top surface -- like an upside down open box. This dustcover provides a complete dust shield with no openings, and it can be taken off or put on without disturbing the turntable if you are playing a record. (VPI recommends leaving it off because possible resonant vibrations from the cover could color the music.)

My system is space constrained by WAF decor considerations, and the VPI cover would not fit. Gingko makes a dustcover that has dimensions 25 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches. The Gingko cover sits on the plinth, with its corners wrapped around the airbag towertops. It does not provide as complete a dust shield; there are little gaps where the dust could get in after a long time. It does not shield below the plinth. It is harder to put on and take off while playing a record, if you would want to do that. On the other hand, it is well thought out and extremely well made -- it feels solid and more rigid than the larger VPI cover.

To accommodate the JMW, you would need a tall Gingko with a cutout at the back behind the JMW, because the JMW has a high-rising signal cable and its counterweight juts out in the back beyond the plinth. My custom Gingko is lower and has no cut out because I am using the Graham 2.2. I am very happy with the Gingko dustcover given its compact size, good design and fit, excellent build quality, and outstanding support from the manufacturer involving a retrofit upgrade to the cover (to improve the fit by closing some gaps) after I bought it. While it is not the "official VPI" dustcover for the HRX, it performs its function very well. I strongly recommend it, especially if you have a space constraint.