OK, dustcovers. The HRX turntable itself covers a rectangle 25 x 19 inches. This is more likely to fit in your location.
The VPI dustcover is a two piece affair that rests on the same surface as the HRX. The bottom piece consists of four walls that are longer and wider than the HRX itself and rise to about the level of the plinth. The top piece is identical except it has a top surface -- like an upside down open box. This dustcover provides a complete dust shield with no openings, and it can be taken off or put on without disturbing the turntable if you are playing a record. (VPI recommends leaving it off because possible resonant vibrations from the cover could color the music.)
My system is space constrained by WAF decor considerations, and the VPI cover would not fit. Gingko makes a dustcover that has dimensions 25 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches. The Gingko cover sits on the plinth, with its corners wrapped around the airbag towertops. It does not provide as complete a dust shield; there are little gaps where the dust could get in after a long time. It does not shield below the plinth. It is harder to put on and take off while playing a record, if you would want to do that. On the other hand, it is well thought out and extremely well made -- it feels solid and more rigid than the larger VPI cover.
To accommodate the JMW, you would need a tall Gingko with a cutout at the back behind the JMW, because the JMW has a high-rising signal cable and its counterweight juts out in the back beyond the plinth. My custom Gingko is lower and has no cut out because I am using the Graham 2.2. I am very happy with the Gingko dustcover given its compact size, good design and fit, excellent build quality, and outstanding support from the manufacturer involving a retrofit upgrade to the cover (to improve the fit by closing some gaps) after I bought it. While it is not the "official VPI" dustcover for the HRX, it performs its function very well. I strongly recommend it, especially if you have a space constraint.
The VPI dustcover is a two piece affair that rests on the same surface as the HRX. The bottom piece consists of four walls that are longer and wider than the HRX itself and rise to about the level of the plinth. The top piece is identical except it has a top surface -- like an upside down open box. This dustcover provides a complete dust shield with no openings, and it can be taken off or put on without disturbing the turntable if you are playing a record. (VPI recommends leaving it off because possible resonant vibrations from the cover could color the music.)
My system is space constrained by WAF decor considerations, and the VPI cover would not fit. Gingko makes a dustcover that has dimensions 25 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches. The Gingko cover sits on the plinth, with its corners wrapped around the airbag towertops. It does not provide as complete a dust shield; there are little gaps where the dust could get in after a long time. It does not shield below the plinth. It is harder to put on and take off while playing a record, if you would want to do that. On the other hand, it is well thought out and extremely well made -- it feels solid and more rigid than the larger VPI cover.
To accommodate the JMW, you would need a tall Gingko with a cutout at the back behind the JMW, because the JMW has a high-rising signal cable and its counterweight juts out in the back beyond the plinth. My custom Gingko is lower and has no cut out because I am using the Graham 2.2. I am very happy with the Gingko dustcover given its compact size, good design and fit, excellent build quality, and outstanding support from the manufacturer involving a retrofit upgrade to the cover (to improve the fit by closing some gaps) after I bought it. While it is not the "official VPI" dustcover for the HRX, it performs its function very well. I strongly recommend it, especially if you have a space constraint.