Entire system cable recommendation

I wondering if anyone can share what cables they've had success pairing with components below. I'm looking to spend from $5k-7k, new or used. Any recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

- Audio Research DAC8
- Musical Fidelity M6500i
- Monitor Audio PL300 speakers
It is even more simple: Purist Audio powercables, Audioquest loudspeakercable. Interlinks I would go for AQ or Kimber. I have sold many Pl-300's. I played with them for over 5 years with the Nordost Valhalla. But the new AQ loudspeakercables are superior to the Nordost cables. Audioquest and Kimber works very well both with Monitor Audio. These days I play with the Pl-200 and PLW-15 togheter. The Pl-200 is in timing and focus superior to the Pl-300. Wenn yo use a PLW-15 it will winn every single battle with ease. They use a better and different filter what makes it a much better speaker.
Try some silver or silver with gold, maybe Siltech http://www.siltechcables.com/ , if you like.
Recently, I auditioned SilverFi cables and they are fantastic, you can find more info up here http://www.silverfi.com/
Purist Audio make in my opinion the best powercables. Audioquest does not even come close. I tested them and compared them. Purist Audio does every single part better than there competitors.
Noooooo Slissssstech. I am from holland and tested many Slisstech cables. Overrated brand. The former distributer of Siltech was so dissapointed in the quality that they stopped selling it. I understand why, and yess it is a very average quality. Nothing more, nothing less!
Thanks Bo1972 I shouldnt even mention, as I never tried them, but SilverFi are great, have 3 of them and you dont have to buy the very expensive one to get the results.