About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
That's great news about getting a cartridge and a personal note from John Grado, Pat. He's really a very decent man: generous, kind and helpful. He donated one of his more expensive pairs of headphones when the Audiogoners got together, last summer, to put together a home theater system for a young woman who was paralyzed when she got hit by a drunk driver.

Thank you, Pat and Albert, for your congrats on Audio Intelligent's award from Stereo Times ... a "Most Wanted Component" award. Lis and I attended the awards party in NYC last Saturday night.

I've come to believe that the folks here on Audiogon are the finest group of people I've ever known. Where else do people donate a complete home theater system to help a recently paralyzed young woman cope with her situation? Where else can you get all the audio advice you need, just for the asking? This thread is the latest example of the character of you people. I'm proud to be a member of this fine group.

At the Stereo Times awards party, I had the distinct pleasure to meet Steve (Audiogon's proprietor) and Albert Porter. Man, are these guys my kind of people! They are both a real class act -- smart, knowledgeable, funny as heck, and just fun to be around. A huge "thank you" goes out from me to Steve and Albert for coming to the awards party to support me. I am truly humbled by their kindness.

Warmest regards to everyone,
Audiogon has my processed images of the New York Stereophile show and Paul Frunkin's award ceremony as of this morning. The photo's should appear under "show coverage" this week, once they have sorted them all out.

I must announce to everyone at Audiogon:
Paul don't need no stinkin' award, he has the MOST beautiful wife imaginable. Pooey on the award, stay home and enjoy your time with HER.

Seriously, congrats on the award. Great party with dozens of high end people and crazy "dance floor lighting" that I captured in my images for all to see.

How was your week? This thread's been kind of quiet, everyone must be busy this spring. I sent you a piece of vinyl, it should arrive to you early next week. I cleaned it with Mr Frumkin's solutions, but there are still a few ticks and pops here and there. The music makes it worth while though. Is that new cart broken in yet?
Contratulations on getting some recognition. I am looking forward to seeing Albert's pictures.
take care'
Hi everyone,

As Jeff (Jdodmead) has guessed this has been a very busy week and as the month progresses will only get busier. My sister flew in last Saturday and we stayed up late (for me) every night listening to music and having guests over until she left. She enjoyed herself so much she is planning another visit and will be bringing her husband along as well. I had another uneventful chemo round on Tuesday and saw my sis off late Wednesday afternoon. In case you haven't guessed, uneventful is a good thing.

A construction crew arrived here on Wednesday to replace the facia and some soffit material before the roofers come in. I made the mistake of prepping our garage doors for painting when the crew offered to paint them at the same time as they paint the repair work they are doing. While I feel pretty darn good I'm really not in any shape to be doing scraping and sanding. And, to think last summer I was helping a friend build a spec home! I'm very tired and somewhat wounded but I'll be okay. I've learned my lesson though. I've just got to save whatever energy I have for fun. To Hell with work!

If anyone remembers the tale about Steve (Vetterone) loaning me his Supratek and it not working right and then he bought another just to find out it wasn't working right then here's the rest of the story. Both units work fine now and I bought the older, remote control one. A local friend dropped by for a listen and visit and decided right there to buy the second one and have me build a system around it. Problem is, he wanted me to choose the other components for him on a very strict budget. I honestly don't know if I've done the right thing but at his urging I've ordered one of the BIX turntables and a pair of ASL Wave 20's. This will be cabled with Paul Speltz anti-cables too, including his new interconnects. I haven't yet decided on what speakers to buy. If you have any recommendations for used (or new) exceptionally good monitors in the $600 range please let me know. I'm thinking if I can find them in this price range, Harbeth, Revolver, Coincident, Triagle or Omega.

I'll be selling my cartridge (yes, I love it) to my friend after talking with Mehran. It's a long story, but again Mehran is being very good to me and this is an opportunity I shouldn't pass up. Besides, my friend is getting a cartridge that he wouldn't be able to afford otherwise.

I had posted a thread about some recommendations on what to do while Barb and I are in Portland, Oregon next week. We'll be staying downtown and concentrating on having fun there. We have received some good advice and will be meeting at least one other Audiogon face while there. Viridian (Marty) is putting together a some options for live jazz and great food for us based on the latest information. I'm pretty sure we'll be downing a few drinks together with him.

Right after our return from Portland Paul Frumkin will be coming for five days and then Steve and I will be heading out to Albert's place. In between all of this activity I'll be assembling the BIX, making some DIY room treatments, babysitting the roofers and gutter crew as well as a number of other things that have been left undone due to being out of my game for so long. I'm sure glad that my daughter Amanda is so good about mowing our grass and taking care of other chores for us. She's a good kid that's stepped up to the plate to help her mom and dad out.

I love this thread and hope you guys continue to post. While I celebrate my good fortune with this respite from being so sick, I know whenever those nasty symptoms come back it's going to be tough. It would be very easy right now to lie to myself that I'm getting well. But, I really see no purpose in concentrating on bad things that aren't happening. I'll just have to deal with things as they come along.

Best to all!
