Teres vs VPI, SME, Origin Live, etc.

I have Manley Steelhead Phono Pre VII and Berning ZH-270 Amp, and I ordered a pair of Merlin VSM-MX. The next step is to upgrade my Table and Arm. I am thinking about the Teres 265(320) with Shroder Model2 Arm or Origin Live Illustrious Arm, or VPI HR-X, or SME 20 with SME 5 Arm, or Origin Live table and arm. The budget is around $7000 (used or new).
For VPI HR-X, SME 20, and Origin Live, I can find some profesional reviews. For Teres, I did not find any profesional reviews, but some user reviews. And there are few A/B comparision reviews on Teres.
It will be greatly appreciated if anybody who A/B compared the above tables to give the information.
Any suggestion is welcomed.

This is my last reply to you. We tried all of the mentioned cartridges on all of the mentioned tonearms. I was there and you weren't. I liked the Universe over the Olympus but only by a very small margin. I would love to own either one. Clearly, to me anyway, at half the price and equal performance the Universe is the best buy.

Regarding your twisted logic you allude to perhaps certain tonearms preferring other turntables which, of course, means that perhaps some cartridges like some turntables more than others. With your method of comparrison it would be impossible to A/B anything. It would require multiples of the numbers of tables, arms and cartridges of what we had assembled. Doing such a large project would be financially impossible without sponsorship of the likes of Bill Gates. Also, the time required to change so many possible combinations would render the A/B'ing meaningless because those evaluating would be required to rely on their audio memory rather than a quick and honest A/B of the same tracks.

You may not agree with me or others, but what we did was about as scientific as practicably possible.
Dear Doug: Maybe you have to read again my post. My point is not if the Two or the Graham tonearms are better one to the other ( btw, any two tonearms ), maybe the Two really beats the Graham: that's fine for me.

My point is that if we have to do an evaluation between two differents tonearms we have to have some rules about, one of that rules is that each tonearm has to be mated with the audio items where it shows his best performance: that's all. Yes, I know that your rules are different but I think that that kind of " massive " evaluations are not conclusive other that you and your friends really have great fun with it. Nothing wrong with that.

Doug, I thing that you know that I have severals TTs, tonearms and cartridges, I own all those items not because I'm a " collector item ", I own all those stuff because I really want to know the differences between them.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Twl: Even what you don't eat do harm to you.

I wonder why.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Lugnut: ***** " as practicably possible. " *****

I agree with that. Tks for your answer.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Frank,your point is well taken.I think I'll save my travel money and put it in an "Audio Account".I can probably shave off a few months of saving for your REF arm that way.Good for both of us,if I ever get to hear one.No sarcasm intended here,as I am truly fascinated with your design.

Regards from New Jersey