Teres vs VPI, SME, Origin Live, etc.

I have Manley Steelhead Phono Pre VII and Berning ZH-270 Amp, and I ordered a pair of Merlin VSM-MX. The next step is to upgrade my Table and Arm. I am thinking about the Teres 265(320) with Shroder Model2 Arm or Origin Live Illustrious Arm, or VPI HR-X, or SME 20 with SME 5 Arm, or Origin Live table and arm. The budget is around $7000 (used or new).
For VPI HR-X, SME 20, and Origin Live, I can find some profesional reviews. For Teres, I did not find any profesional reviews, but some user reviews. And there are few A/B comparision reviews on Teres.
It will be greatly appreciated if anybody who A/B compared the above tables to give the information.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
There are no commercial reviews of a Teres because Teres doesn't sell via dealers, advertise in mags or provide free goodies to reviewers.

By this logic, the review of Empirical Audio's Holophonic cables would never have been printed in the recent stereophile, as they fit all the crieria you just stated (factory direct, no advertising, no freebies). This conspiracy theory stuff is tiresome. BTW, I'm no fan of the 2 Teres TT's I heard, but that's just my opinion.
Which models of Teres tables have your heard and with what associated components ?
What does the military have to do with it? Military connectors are still connectors, and I doubt audio performance is on the military's list of requirements.

No connection, not even a soldered one, can match the electrical purity of a high quality wire. That's a physical impossibility for the military or anyone else.
Dear Crespo: You are right. But Doug is an active member of the " Teres Fan Club " and I thnink the official Teres spokesperson, because he always " jump " with this answer.

Regards and enjoy the music.