Equipment Set-up Recommendations?

Hi Folks:
I recently installed an air-bearing linear tracking tonearm (the MG-1). Table and cartridge are Teres 255 and ZYX Airy 3x-sb low output. Generally, I'm thrilled with the setup, but I find that when I walk around the room, the cartridge can jump, which is very disconcerting.

When I switch to the OL Silver arm I have, such jumping does not seem to occur, so I'm guessing the MG-1 is more sensitive. All my equipment is supported with the double rack, which may also be a variable to consider - I have my Teres on top - about 40 inches above the ground.

Anyway, I'd welcome any input or insight that migth provide me with a more stable, isolated listening environment where my cartridge won't jump (how bad is that for the cartridge anyway - should that be considered an emergency, or is it pretty common/not-a-big-deal? I've inquired about getting a Gingko platform, which may or may not help. Ideally, I'd like to keep the Teres on top of the rack, as it looks great, is highly accessible, and I don't want to take up more realestate with a seperate Teres stand, if I don't have to.

Anyway, any input and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Eldartford, the Minus K is a controlled spring device using no air pressure nor electricity.
Tbg..OK I found the website which has a good technical description. A very clever device. The picture I found earlier looked very similar to the electronic table that I used. And the price is about the same. The performance is also similar.
Tbg...It was at work several years ago, and our purchasing people actually bought the thing so I don't remember the manufacturer. However, I looked at the Halcyonics web site, and their model MOD 1M plus looks exactly like what I used. Our missile guidance system and the dish of Mercury (that we were using as an optical reflector) were located on a several-ton granite slap resting on a pier sunk deep in the ground...and we still had a vibration-induced ripple problem with the Mercury. The isolation table solved the problem completely.