Just a reminder - A turntable spins a platter. If it spins at a constant speed and imparts no (or virtually no) vibration to the lp as it does so, that is the best it can do. Period. Doesn't matter how much it cost.
98% of the differences people think they hear from turntables result from:
a. the cartridge's unique characteristics
b. the interaction/combination of the arm and cartridge.
c. the interaction/matching of the cartridge's output with the signal path, primarily the phono section.
d. the quality and quantity of isolation of the turntable from acoustic and mechanical feedback sources.
All this dwelling on which TURNTABLE is silly advice - especially for someone with only 200 lp's at the moment! My advice would be to get any decent deck with a good arm - like a VPI Aries Scout, play a bunch of lp's with a Denon 103 and Shelter 501, and see if this whole vinyl thing is even what you really want. You can always shop for something to impress the neighbors later.
If an Aries Scout or it's equivalent isn't enjoyable to you, then neither would a J.C. Verdier. It's different, but it ain't THAT different.
IMHO, of course.
98% of the differences people think they hear from turntables result from:
a. the cartridge's unique characteristics
b. the interaction/combination of the arm and cartridge.
c. the interaction/matching of the cartridge's output with the signal path, primarily the phono section.
d. the quality and quantity of isolation of the turntable from acoustic and mechanical feedback sources.
All this dwelling on which TURNTABLE is silly advice - especially for someone with only 200 lp's at the moment! My advice would be to get any decent deck with a good arm - like a VPI Aries Scout, play a bunch of lp's with a Denon 103 and Shelter 501, and see if this whole vinyl thing is even what you really want. You can always shop for something to impress the neighbors later.
If an Aries Scout or it's equivalent isn't enjoyable to you, then neither would a J.C. Verdier. It's different, but it ain't THAT different.
IMHO, of course.