Wife: "I thought you bought a re-conditioned turntable" "I did" "Then why are you still building it, it's been nearly 7 hours?" "Because I have to get the VTA correct and I cant reach the screw, so I have to put it on blocks" She: "Then will we hear the damn thing play music?" Me: "Blissful music" I get the VTA OK, I think, thanks to Lugnut, then switch it on - no turn. Look closely: the belt has flown off, managed to breach the 1/16th inch clearance between the platter and plinth and is gone, gonzo, disapperaed under the platter. This platter has no guides, rim or anything to hold the 3-4 mm wide tiny belt - did the French design it?
You guys do this for fun? My wife has left (maybe for good after watching my imbecilic performance - especially after she looked at the spanking new EAR 824 and said "What's that new thing?" "That's part of the turntable" Why is it silver and the TT is wood? Wood is boring, so they jazzed it up" That is when she left - I think for a meeting - but maybe to see a Divorce lawyer - watching me fishing with a bent paper-clip for the 3 cent piece of plastic that separates me from blissful sound.........(of course, it only came with one belt)
The EMM pieces are silently staring at me, not having to say "We told you so, you idiot!!!!!!..........."