Need to re-discover analog - please help

Like the short-sighted, lazy, modern moron that I am, I threw away all my LPs and turntable when I got hooked on my first decent CDP, a Kinergetics Platinum KD-40, 15 years ago. Because it was easier to take care of CDs. Now, my mother who was a musician, and had a classical collection of about 200 really absolutely great recordings, collected from the 1940s til the 80s, has left me her collection. They just have to be preserved, played and savored. I need an analog set-up that will a) do them justice and b) not sound noticeably "worse" compared to the digital set-up I am now used to. My analog set-up that I discarded (I know, I know.........please dont rub it in, what's done is done.) was a Denon 103D and Sony PS-800 linear tracking TT and also a Kenwood marble platter with SME tone-arm and also Denon 103 D cartridge and circa 1980 PS Audio MC phono stage.
The present system, to which must now obligatorily be added a turntable: EMM DCC2/CDSD; Atma-Sphere Line-stage MP-1 MkII, Atma-Sphere MA 2.2 modified (27 tubes each); Kharma 3.2; Indra Stealth i/cs; PAD Dominus i/cs and S/Cs (Rev C & B).

I tried MM cartridges before - Dynavector,Ortofon,Shure V15 iv - but only liked the MC Denon 103D - so would prefer that MC "sound".

I have not kept up with the analog market, nor new equipment, and am totally ignorant about the components but would greatly appreciate input as to what TT, tone-arm, cartridge and phono preamp to get that would neither bankrupt me nor do the wonderful collection my mother left me a disservice, nor my ear that is now spoiled by the pretty "good" digital, ancillary set-up I have. Nor, obviously, sound "inferior" to the CDs:)

What sort of a budget am I looking at to keep the system within the overall quality of the associated equipment that I have, without going crazy, since i will still mostly be listening to CDs (unless i get totally hooked and go bonkers..........)?

I listen to classical 90% of the time and 95% of her collection is classical.

As always, I appreciate your advice.
Lot's of good comments here with which I agree, most particularly with Lugnut's closing:
Let us all know your first impressions and keep us advised of the upgrades that will surely happen. Most of all have fun.
It should be a fun re-exploration!
Any volunteers, familiar with the Origin live Illustrious tonearm (in a SOTA Sapphire V) willing to help me fine-tune the set-up? If there are such saintly A'goners, please e-mail me your phone number, so that I can call between 7-11 pm tonight. If you are out there, and willing, I will call at a time you choose and promise to ask just 2 questions, for maximum 10 minutes:).
Thanks again for all your help.
Set-up complete, but not fine-tuned. So no comments yet. Starting unpacking 7 pm, finished 12:15 am. Just like joining the army, first day of boot camp.
Request cancelled. The incredible Lugnut to the rescue. He has sent me photos, a very detailed explanation and a proposed plan of action to fix the VTA. Thank you, Patrick. You are amazing.......
Not amazing at all. Just been there and done that. Amazing is putting people in a suspended, near death state for surgery and bringing them back alive.
Wife: "I thought you bought a re-conditioned turntable" "I did" "Then why are you still building it, it's been nearly 7 hours?" "Because I have to get the VTA correct and I cant reach the screw, so I have to put it on blocks" She: "Then will we hear the damn thing play music?" Me: "Blissful music" I get the VTA OK, I think, thanks to Lugnut, then switch it on - no turn. Look closely: the belt has flown off, managed to breach the 1/16th inch clearance between the platter and plinth and is gone, gonzo, disapperaed under the platter. This platter has no guides, rim or anything to hold the 3-4 mm wide tiny belt - did the French design it?
You guys do this for fun? My wife has left (maybe for good after watching my imbecilic performance - especially after she looked at the spanking new EAR 824 and said "What's that new thing?" "That's part of the turntable" Why is it silver and the TT is wood? Wood is boring, so they jazzed it up" That is when she left - I think for a meeting - but maybe to see a Divorce lawyer - watching me fishing with a bent paper-clip for the 3 cent piece of plastic that separates me from blissful sound.........(of course, it only came with one belt)
The EMM pieces are silently staring at me, not having to say "We told you so, you idiot!!!!!!..........."