ELP laser turntable - any comments?

I tried searching for info on the ELP laser tt here and was surprised to find nothing. i'd love to hear comments from true vinyl lovers: how does this compare to other rigs you've heard?
if you're curious, the website is www.audioturntable.com
I think this turntable may be a technological tour de force ruined by mismanagement by the company. This would be too bad, as I always thought it had great potential.

Eldartford, I think you are probably right about the benefits of the digital approach, but this idea predates digital.
A dynamic phono pickup, MM or MC, puts out a voltage that is proportional to the RATE of stylus movement. A piezioelectric phono pickup (and there were some that were not cheap junk) puts out a voltage that is proportional to the DISPLACEMENT (distance of movement) of the stylus. And yet, both can play the same LP groove, and sound more or less the same. This has always puzzled me.

Now, I wonder what kind of signal the laser pickup produces...rate or displacement, or something else. Clearly there is room for a distinctly different sound from the same groove.
The sample CD they send out to show the ELP quality of
sound isn't very impressive. Hope the actual unit is
better. CEM
Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot tonearm.
Unless you've got money to burn and like expensive toys.
Opalchip, I guess my behavior would suggest I entirely agree with you, but I did go back several time at CES2004 to listen to it. After perfecting the concept but failing in quality control, it is too bad the company basically walks away from purchasers.