ELP laser turntable - any comments?

I tried searching for info on the ELP laser tt here and was surprised to find nothing. i'd love to hear comments from true vinyl lovers: how does this compare to other rigs you've heard?
if you're curious, the website is www.audioturntable.com
Since the ELP dates back probably 20 years, it is most dated technology.

Maybe on the profits from the Intelligent Chip, Golden Sound might be a prospect.
Three problems for most people with the ELP:
1. Cost
2. Getting it fixed when it goes down, which it will
3. Sound. So far, reviews have not been favorable and
their sample CD of its sound is less than good.
Were the ELP below $3000, which is where it should be,
it might be fun to play with. At its present price,
if you can afford it, a good plaything.
If it works as well as the advertising lit, it is
a steal at any price below $10,000.
CEM Columbus, Ohio
I have the demo cd. I prefer the sound of my mid fi Yamaha PX-3 to the ELP if it truely sounds as it does on the demo CD.

The ELP is reviewed in the latest issue of Soundstage. The reviewer is fair but critical, and all of his criticisms are valid, IMO. I had two friends who used to own the top-of-the-line versions of the ELP, and both returned them within weeks of buying them. My one friend, who's absolutely fanatical about cleaning his LPs, said that he couldn't get ONE record to play without at least some noise through the ELP. And it wouldn't play thick vinyl like Classic's 200g reissues. IMO, the technology hasn't evolved to a point where it can seriously challenge a SOTA conventional table. It's clearly a not-ready-for-prime-time player.