Choice Rega P5 or VPI Scout?

I am just getting back into vinyl after many years and want to do this right. Currently have mcintosh (non tube) electronics, BW 802N speakers. Desire quality table, tonearm, cartridge combo that compliments them. Audio dealers have recommended either of the two listed. Need the real deal....which way to go. Looking for your input.
Thanks for your help!
VPI is a whole separate issue. In my opinion, these guys have serious problems with quality control and I have no idea how they manage to do this if they indeed manufacture all components in the US (according to their claims).

Well, at least you prefaced your statement with "in my opinion." How they manage in this business is through decades of making audiophile quality products at reasonable prices, and supporting them with unparallelled customer service. And that's not just "in my opinion." And you do come off if not rude, at least pretentious.
Another option, if you don't mind buying used, is a Rega P7-I bought a very nice used one that was within your price range. IMHO the P7 is the sweet spot in the Rega range and is a really fine music player.