The benefits are "subtly mild"! Less than removing the damping trough, but audible, depending on system and ears of course.
If you're a klutz then don't bother, but provided you protect your cartridge there should be little risk.
Written instructions (if thorough) often make a task seem more difficult than it really is, and that's true here. Try just looking at the A/S mechanism for 2 minutes with the instructions in hand. Do a mental rehearsal, step-by-step. I think you'll see it's fairly simple. Your decision of course.
Good suggestion. I considered that myself but I keep agonizing over the colors. You know how we boys are. ;-)
There's no way I'd use the heat gun with a cartridge mounted. Why take that risk? I'd also pull the leads back and shield them somehow. (Doing this with the arm mounted on my wood TT, scant inches from the edge of the TV, wouldn't be the brightest move either.) Definitely a job for clamping the arm on the workbench.
Regarding A/S vs. no A/S, even if we all shared identical listening biases the decision would still be cartridge specific. It can also depend on how much the suspension has broken in - we couldn't play without some A/S 2-3 years ago, now we can. YMMV applies for all these reasons.
The benefits are "subtly mild"! Less than removing the damping trough, but audible, depending on system and ears of course.
If you're a klutz then don't bother, but provided you protect your cartridge there should be little risk.
Written instructions (if thorough) often make a task seem more difficult than it really is, and that's true here. Try just looking at the A/S mechanism for 2 minutes with the instructions in hand. Do a mental rehearsal, step-by-step. I think you'll see it's fairly simple. Your decision of course.
Good suggestion. I considered that myself but I keep agonizing over the colors. You know how we boys are. ;-)
There's no way I'd use the heat gun with a cartridge mounted. Why take that risk? I'd also pull the leads back and shield them somehow. (Doing this with the arm mounted on my wood TT, scant inches from the edge of the TV, wouldn't be the brightest move either.) Definitely a job for clamping the arm on the workbench.
Regarding A/S vs. no A/S, even if we all shared identical listening biases the decision would still be cartridge specific. It can also depend on how much the suspension has broken in - we couldn't play without some A/S 2-3 years ago, now we can. YMMV applies for all these reasons.