Linn LP12 Valhalla 45 rpm

This is the most embarassing question I've ever posed here. I bought a used LP 12 Valhalla many years ago and always assumed that, like my previous LP12, it won't play 45 rpm. But now I think that maybe there's an adapter for the Valhalla Linns. True? I'd sure like to get some of those 45 rpm Fantasy Jazz reissues.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
No. There is an adapter that fits over the pulley that will allow 45. They come up on ebay ever so often. Dump the Valhalla and get the OriginLive motor and controller.
Works better than Valhalla and provides 45rpm. The best upgrade I ever did on my Linn. Good luck, Wendell
Linn used a larger thimble type cylinder that went over the existing motor spindle to adapt it to the 45 RPM speed. It had like an O-ring inside that kept it tight against the motor spindle.
The thing about the adaptor thimble is that a good deal of force is required to get the thing on and off - a worrysome amount of force. I've got one kicking around if you're interested...
