Michell Technoarm vs Origin Live Silver vs ???

I'm looking at a new tonearm to replace my old Audioquest PT6. The Michell Technoarm and Origin Live arms are always mentioned together, and seem similar in that they improve on the old Rega RB250 design.

So, any comparisons of the two?

Any comments on each of their improvements (sonically and technically)?

Any suggestions for a different arm upgrade at about the $1000 or so level?


PS: I have a custom made non-suspended turntable using VPI parts (motor and MK III platter and bearing) and a solid 1" Corian plinth.
I think that you can't go wrong with either one at their price points. As a matter of fact price may be the determinating factor. If you could find either one in good shape, used at a good price, you have done very well.

Lately, new stock seems to be the only thing availible, which to me says that if used arms become availible, then they either go to someone they know or they sell very quickly. In other words - Highly Desireable!

Remember shopping is free - it's buying that can be expensive.

Enjoy your music!
I recently purchased an OL Silver for use with my new Zyx Bloom cartridge and was blown away by how much an upgrade this was. I can definitely recommend the OL Silver for high effective mass applications (such as the Zyx). I'm hoping to put together a short review in the coming weeks, for what that's worth. A basic sneak peek is that I took both arms (RB300 and the OL Silver) and both cartridges (Denon DL-103D and Zyx Bloom L) and tried the 4 different combinations and was most impressed by the difference the OL silver made, irrespective of cartridge. Now, again, the Zyx cartridge is phenominal, but that's a different discussion ;)
the audioquest PT9 with leopard wire for less than 1k new is great......ive campared it the all but the rega 900, and several vintage sme's and grace arms. it was better at capturing articulate bass, and the weight of a real piano than any rega. the most balanced of all with a great fullrange presentation.
PT6 Owners
You may want to replace or modify the counterweight on your PT6 so that it is non-resonant / not o-ring coupled to the stub i.e. Expressimo Heavy-weight or others to hear how much better this arm can sound...said to unmuddy & help clarify the sound...check out the Analog Forum "Strange Tonearm Tweak Long" for some good input that is primarily but not exclusively for the RB250 style tonearms with similar issues.
I also recently posted a query re: the OL Silver vs. the Technoarm (sorry, folks!).

How does the Audioquest PT-9 stack up against these arms? I would be mounting on a Linn LP-12.