Getting and keeping records clean................


I have my turntable on the way and my vinyl collection growing weekly. I am thinking I will need to get a record cleaning machine to enjoy vinyl to its full potential. What RCM are recommended by you? Is it possible to clean records by hand effectively? I wonder if I can clean my collection by hand now with disc doctor or similar and brushes? I plan on getting a record cleaning machine but it will probably take a little while before I can swing the dough for one. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as which cleaning solution to use and brushes and their source. Thanks again.
To make it simple for you - If you want to save money get Record Doctor II. If you want to pay more for convenience, get VPI's machine (its the most popular), but overkill IMHO.

And yes you need something with a vacuum suction cleaning by hand will be labor intesive and you'll have a hard time getting rid of the lose dirt in the grooves after cleaning. Some will argue, but for $200 you can have all you need.

I agree with everyone here!! from doing a search and finding hundreds( seems like thousands!) of info threads on the subject as 4yanx said- to using any of the cleaners types listed as long as you do indeed use a vacuum.-Ken
here's my personal progression: Disc Doctor fluids and the Disc Doctor brushes (best brushes around...) / Nitty Gritty Record Master, Disc Doctor Fluids and Disc Doctor Brushes / VPI 16.5, Disc Doctor Fluids and Disc Doctor Brushes / VPI 16.5 and Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions and Disc Doctor brushes.

With each step up the ladder my results have improved. If I were starting out again - I'd strongly suggest the Disc Doctor fluids and the Disc Doctor brushes until you can afford a RCM. Then move to a VPI and the AIVS fluids (and some ear-plugs... that VPI is LOUD!!!).
I have posted a picture of my DIY RCM. I would put it up against most's short of Monks or Loricraft. If you can come up with the vacuum I can find a way to box it up and put a hand-spinning platter on it. This offer open to any A'goner with feedback above 15. All you'll be out is the shipping. If you want something special, then we'll have to talk. You have to be willing to wait a couple of weeks, I do have a day job.
I have been hand cleaning my records for the past six months and really felt very happy with the results. It was time consuming but a series of cleans with various sollutions and most were very quiet. Last weekend I purchased a VPI 16.5 and with the RRL solution and VPI solution I am in awe of how much better they sound. It was the most significant upgrade I have made in audio ever. I have some Disc Doctor pads and solution and Audio Intelegence comming as well. I highly recommend a RCM. I am very very happy with my 16.5.