Raul,sorry.I was on vacation.Local day trips,due to the hurricane,washing out my original plans.There is extensive info,about the MOST effective(in terms of pitch definition,and true accuracy,something most are really unaware/uninterested in)in the over two hundred page hard covered book,that came with my Ascents.Here the "FORMER" Avalon(under ownership by Charles Hansen,now owner of AYRE)offers extensive,and I mean EXTENSIVE research and scientific facts,backed by computer verification.I would guess that due to Avalon's change to ports,this BOOK is no longer available.Can't blame them,as the bottom line is still sales.For me,they can keep their Diamonds.I'll live very happily with my Ascents/Stentor.
There is a deluge of quite interesting info on the subject of ACCURATE bass response,and how it relates to real world listening.This book is,to me,my bass Bible,as it seems to have ALL competing types of bass systems,extensively covered,and the arguments presented,make real sense!!
Best regards!!Also,thank you so much for the invite.I wish I had the extra time to take you up on it.You are a truly FINE person,even if you need to still learn a bit about bass propogation.That was a joke!!