Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: I found a Stereophile article that confirm what I already posted about the " must " : two subs in a true stereo way. here it is:

" A simple advantage is that two subs operating in-phase less than one wavelength apart wil generate 6dB more output than a single sub....................If you have two sources arranged in the room so that the left and right woofers are equally far for their respective side walls and equally far from the common wall behind them, most of the standing wave patterns remain the same......the two woofers simply reinforce each other's standing-wave patterns........So while such symetry is desirable at middle and high frequencies for the sake of stereo soundstaging, it may penalize you at low frequencies. This situation change if the bass in the recording is not monophonic. When an orchestra or pipe organ is recorded with widely spaced mikes, bass waves arrive at sligtly different times at each mike. If the bass is not blended into mono for disc mastering, these timing differences will be preserved in playback. The effect is akin to moving one woofer closer or farther away, destroying their simmetry so that the woofers no longer reinforce each other standing-wave patterns.. ......You can achieve a similar result with mono bass by using two subwoofers but placing them asymmetrically.... The bass waves from the two woofers arrive at each boundary surface at different time, producing partial cancellation of the standing waves. These wave interference effects tend to diminish the severity of the peaks and nulls, yielding a more uniform distribution of bass energy within the room. "

Fortunatelly, in my system, I have my two subwoofers in asimmetrically way and I can confirm exactly this very " old " Stereophile statement.

As always I posted: you have to try it: is a " must " to have. Period.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Raul,

Can you guess if the side-firing woofers used by Coincident in their larger speakers would produce a similar effect? Their two largest models go down to 24 and 20 Hz, quite a bit lower than my B&W's. (As you know, we really have no space for subs located as you recommend.)

Dear Doug: The asimmetry is with respect to the room boundaries ( side/behind walls ) not if the woofers are side firing.

In my case my subs are placed side firing but the right side sub has no simmetry with the left side: the right one is in an almost open boundary.

Anyway, I prefer the subs in side firing position over the front firing. The Coincident are very good speakers and like in the NHT speakers the Coincident has benefits from their side woofers firing, if one of your room side L/R is asimmetric against the other then you are done !!!.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks Raul.

Our room is also asymmetric in the L/R direction. The L speaker is a little over 1m from its side wall, the R speaker is over 2m. The furniture in each direction is different too, which should also help break up standing waves.

Both speakers are open to another room behind them. They have nearly 5m behind them and at least 3m in front, plenty of room to breath. I'm sure this contributes to our excellent soundstage depth, imaging and air.

It sounds like side-firing woofers could work very well in this setup, though we'd have to have to have them facing out. (Facing in would aim a woofer directly at the TT and amplifiers, not a good idea!)

Many thanks again for this excellent thread,
Dear Doug: " +++++(Facing in would aim a woofer directly at the TT and amplifiers, not a good idea!) " +++++

Well, it don't seems like a good idea but in my system both subs are facing my three TT's and I never detect any problem cause by the sub's. You have to try, I'm almost sure that you will not find problems about.

Regards and enjoy the music.