Raul,you remind me of my daughter,as I'm currently giving her driving lessons.No matter what I tell her,as she is behind the wheel,she ALWAYS has some kind of comeback answer.I can never win,with her!
It was not really necessary for you to respond to my post,but you seem to have to justify everything with your own "take".Let's get something straight.I have ALWAYS liked you,and your posts.I'm not trying to even argue with you.I have always been a bit surprised as to the somewhat nasty attitude some have to your posts,but,you are a really good soldier(much better than me),and continue to preach your audio philosophy.That's great!!
I'm not really all that PURE!Sometimes I re-read some of my posts and cannot believe just how obnoxious I must seem to some.Maybe I'm a bit insecure.My intentions are,also good,but,I'm just making general observations.On subjects that interest me.I'm not trying,as you seem to be(and that's a good thing,for you)to direct some hobbyists to make different buying decisions,based on my tastes.What do I know?And who am I to think I can be well received,by others,as the "Audio Police".The vast majority of "these" people know their stuff!
I'm NOT hinting that you are anything other than a knowledgeable, WELL MEANING and good natured hobbyist,but as I suspected,you are NOT a testing laboratory.Everyone has their own set of tastes,and you have to be KIDDING me if you think the average reader of these threads does not research product before making a buying decision.Have you seen the prices of,even,the cheap stuff?Sure there is always the person with a few extra bucks,that can afford to make a mistake,and buy on emotion,but I'll bet 99.9 percent of us do not!!You can "save"the occassional one who swerves off course,but I don't feel I have that responsibility,here in this forum.I,also have no desire to acquire new products,as you like to do(you will get a UNIV,for your collection,if you like the design improvements,in the future?).You have to be kidding me!If you feel that you "like everything almost perfect,but are not obsessed",and really feel the need to get a UNIV(with the collection you already have),if it pans out to really be great(something I really have no idea of,and that was not my original point anyway),then I have to let you in on a little secret Raul.You ARE obsessed.And coming from another obsessed hobbyist(me),that's just fine with me!Now,go take your wife out for a nice dinner.She must really love you.Mine?She's ready to kill me if I spend anymore on audio!Trust me,if you don't hear from me,in the future,you'll know what happened!!
I'm here to have a good bit of fun.Learn a few things(even if I don't initially admit it).Correspond with some nice people(like you).And what I have come to like the most,and will be planning more "surprise strikes" in the future---giving Larry a hard time!!I haven't even touched upon his,admitted,bright sounding listening room!!
It was not really necessary for you to respond to my post,but you seem to have to justify everything with your own "take".Let's get something straight.I have ALWAYS liked you,and your posts.I'm not trying to even argue with you.I have always been a bit surprised as to the somewhat nasty attitude some have to your posts,but,you are a really good soldier(much better than me),and continue to preach your audio philosophy.That's great!!
I'm not really all that PURE!Sometimes I re-read some of my posts and cannot believe just how obnoxious I must seem to some.Maybe I'm a bit insecure.My intentions are,also good,but,I'm just making general observations.On subjects that interest me.I'm not trying,as you seem to be(and that's a good thing,for you)to direct some hobbyists to make different buying decisions,based on my tastes.What do I know?And who am I to think I can be well received,by others,as the "Audio Police".The vast majority of "these" people know their stuff!
I'm NOT hinting that you are anything other than a knowledgeable, WELL MEANING and good natured hobbyist,but as I suspected,you are NOT a testing laboratory.Everyone has their own set of tastes,and you have to be KIDDING me if you think the average reader of these threads does not research product before making a buying decision.Have you seen the prices of,even,the cheap stuff?Sure there is always the person with a few extra bucks,that can afford to make a mistake,and buy on emotion,but I'll bet 99.9 percent of us do not!!You can "save"the occassional one who swerves off course,but I don't feel I have that responsibility,here in this forum.I,also have no desire to acquire new products,as you like to do(you will get a UNIV,for your collection,if you like the design improvements,in the future?).You have to be kidding me!If you feel that you "like everything almost perfect,but are not obsessed",and really feel the need to get a UNIV(with the collection you already have),if it pans out to really be great(something I really have no idea of,and that was not my original point anyway),then I have to let you in on a little secret Raul.You ARE obsessed.And coming from another obsessed hobbyist(me),that's just fine with me!Now,go take your wife out for a nice dinner.She must really love you.Mine?She's ready to kill me if I spend anymore on audio!Trust me,if you don't hear from me,in the future,you'll know what happened!!
I'm here to have a good bit of fun.Learn a few things(even if I don't initially admit it).Correspond with some nice people(like you).And what I have come to like the most,and will be planning more "surprise strikes" in the future---giving Larry a hard time!!I haven't even touched upon his,admitted,bright sounding listening room!!