Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
This has been a great read. Much more entertaining then watching the late evening news. I must confess up front I own a ZYX Airy 3. I had a Koetsu Rosewood Sign. before. The Airy 3 is miles ahead of the KRS in musicality and inner detail. Dealing with Mehran @ SORAsound was nothing short of a great joy.
I have been on a musical journey for over 28 years. This has been one of the best years, and the ZYX Airy 3 has been part of it.
One of my favorite LPs is Ray Brown & L. Almeida, one the first cut of Mondscheinsonate/Round about Midnight Ray comes in with a VERY deep bass note that almost drives me off my chair.
I have also just order a pair of Merlins VSM-MM speaker to go with my OTLs.
Thanks again for the entertainments.
Did you get the copper or silver coil version of the Airy3. Congratulations on a nice system. You will love the Merlins. Do count on the Merlins taking a long time to break in.
Geetings Larry
I got the silver coil .24 output. Sounds wouderful, works very well with my Morch DP-6 arm.
Dear Bryan: +++++ " I had a Koetsu Rosewood Sign. before. The Airy 3 is miles ahead of the KRS .." +++++

I agree with you. But till three days ago something happen with the Koetsu subject on my system: stay tunned.

The Merlins are great speakers I hope your OTL can do a good match with the " electric impedance curve " of the speakers.

Now if you can mate the Merlins with a pair of subwoofers in a true stereo integration, you will have a system that will be very hard to surpass at any price: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1117893153&openflup&27&4#27 and http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1117893153&openflup&31&4#31

Regards and enjoy the music.

+++I agree with you. But till three days ago something happen with the Koetsu subject on my system: stay tunned.+++

You have me hooked, what up with the Koetsu.

+++The Merlins are great speakers I hope your OTL can do a good match with the " electric impedance curve " of the speakers.+++

I talked to Bobby P. at Merlin and he said that the Atma-Sphere will work great. He used OLTs to demo his speakers at shows. I also have a pair of Paul Speltz Autoformers.

+++Merlins with a pair of subwoofers in a true stereo integration, you will have a system that will be very hard to surpass at any price+++

I am using a REL Strata III now with my Reference 3A de capo i, I will keep it till the Merlins arrive. If they do not give me enought deep bass with the BAM I will user it in my system.
Thanks for the links