Schroeder arms: order of merit?

For a long time I have been tempted by the elegant designs of Herr Schroeder, but, having missed the collapse of the dollar, I now find myself totally priced out of the market for the "Reference" arm. So, the question is, what are the relative merits of the Model 1 (if it still exists), the "DPS," and the "Reference." Surely some Audiogon aficionados will have tried all three and will have informed opinions. If so, please let the world at large know your conclusions. And, equally to the point, how do these arms compare with the Graham 2.2 and "Phantom," the Triplanar, and other highly regarded designs. The cartridge I now use is a Myabi, and my turntable is a Verdier Platine. I realize, of course, that "Comparisons are odorous."
Gmorris,loosen up,a bit.We are all having a good little chat.Nobody's calling anyone names,and this is how someone, like me,evaluates a product,and files the feedback in my memory bank(admittedly,a small one,at that).

I think Frank and Larry knew that I was being a bit "tongue in cheek",and I didn't detect any hostility,from them.I did have a "mild" concern about the "tightness issue"(one that didn't really bother me all that much,anyway)and just wanted to put it out there.So what?That is part of the fun of this forum,so long as nobody trashes a product,or each other.For me,it's all part of a learning process.I,unlike some,don't know it all!I,only,definitively, know my own stuff!You seem to be a good guy,so I hope you understand.

As for Frank's frequent responses.I,too,once questioned this.My take is this:He has every right to respond.He seems to take real PRIDE in his product,and it's reputation(would you want it any other way?).He has knowledge of his competition,and we can learn,a bit,from his input.Finally,and since I own a business,this is "damn good business practice",he continues to help his products by giving them exposure,through threads like this!

Larry,don't get pissed off,but you did make the claims of the "clear superiority" of the arm shoot out,PRIOR to my input pertaining to the 2.2 fluid(which I DON'T consider groundbreaking,just "BACKBREAKING",but I loved the "TWEAK" journey of discovery, when learning it for myself).You,now,admit that you learned, from getting better acquainted with the voicing potential of the fluid quantity(which is great).So,why should I not question the "absolute" validity of the comparison,some months ago.Believe me,when you get the REF,I'll be salivating for your response,in comparison to the 2.2.As of now I remain just a bit specious.I,certainly,never thought you didn't like the (quite fabulous,BTW)2.2!!This is the way it should be amongst audio friends.My friends tear each other apart during intense listening sessions(maybe I'm in the wrong crowd,actually),if someone doesn't like a particular aspect of set-up,or interfacing.To me,it has bettered my evaluation senses,and I've benefitted from this,in the long run(I think)!!

I really don't get too worked up if something I own gets a bad rap,from another hobbyist,or reviewer.Who cares!As long as I feel I know that product,and I'm not rationalizing to myself,about it.BTW,I'm NOT accusing you of any of this.Just sharing some(probably boring)thoughts.The ONLY time I get worked up is if I feel I'm at an impass on a particular component,that I've invested in,and I cannot get the performance,from it,that I feel I should.As of now(actually last night)I'm "reasonably" happy.Though that may change when you do get around to communicating you're, educated, thoughts on the REF vs the 2.2!!Or Albert Porter FINALLY "tells the world" that his tubed crossover modded Megalines are the "Real Deal".So,take your time.PLEASE!!!Let me be happy for a couple of days!
Larry,with all due respect.You do begin to sound a bit like what some accuse Raul of,when you go on about the UNIV!!I know you,and some others,have not actually claimed the ABSOLUTE superiority of it,but it's a bit rediculous to go on about it,or any product, as much as you do.To me,a product loses some credibility when someone uses every oportunity to tout it!

I hope you realize that this is in a good spirit,that I mention this.I don't want to create any kind of a rift.However your response to me,about how I may change my opinion on the Schroeder(which I have clearly stated,looks like a real winner),when set up with a Univ,smacks of condescension,particularly if you really think I am cynical about that arm,and that I'm just "twisting at windmills",for making some fairly valid claims.I have absolutely NO problem with that,and I KNOW YOU MEAN WELL,as I do.However,to me,the Univ is, simply put,another potentially fine cartridge,that some have garnished a true enthusium for.Heck,my pal's new,and improved Titan sounds darn near perfect to me.Come to think of it,my Transfiguration Temper-v gives me little to complain about.So,some very nice people,that I have been priviledged to correspond with happen to "LOVE" their cartridge too,and mention it ALOT!!I'm sure it is another,of a never ending collection,of really fine performers,to have recently appeared.It won't be the last!

Also,Frank-I now know you have a propensity,as I do,for some sarcasm and humor(and I like it),but I never felt that I was the "only kid in class to do my homework",and have ALWAYS stated that fact.I mentioned it numerous times in my 2.2 damping fluid posts,some months ago.I,also,try to never dismiss anyone else's findings.

A'hem,I think it was,actually, you who had a thread erased a couple of months ago,in so doing what you,sort of,accuse me of,but I like you anyway!

Boy I really hope you guys don't get too mad at me.I'm just a bit frustrated this weekend,since I pulled a hamstring,just when my tennis game was taking off!!I guess I deserve any nasty responses directed at me!Bed rest "sucks"!!
Hi sirspeedy,
I like you too, but since you've "stirred the pot" a little steam is to be expected ... ;-).
As long as our systems keep us coming back to listen to more music, they do what they're supposed to do. That inkling of a difference, be it existant on an absolute scale or just a matter of personal preference, is fun to discuss, but fighting over it? Nah...
And I do wish you a speedy recovery!


Hey,Larry-I think I came off a bit too obnoxious in my thread, mentioning you're enthusiasm over the UNIV.You have every right to be overly enthusiastic about such a product,and should bring it up whenever you feel it's appropriate!!I'm sorry!!!