Dynavector or Grado ?

I plan on purchasing the VPI Superscoutmaster and prefer to have the cartridge mounted by VPI before it is shipped to the dealer.
VPI will mount Dynavector and Grado cartridges ONLY as they are the 2 brands they sell.
Query...which is the better sounding cartridge?
The high end Dynavector lists for $4000 and the high end Grado lists for $2500.
I only listen to rock and roll music.
For reference, I have an Arcam FMJ pre amp. with a phonostage and Arcam FMJ mono amps.
Thanks for looking!
Stanhifi,The ONLY products I sell are those listed at Lloyd Walkers' website.I have worked for a number of audio stores,and wished to relate my experience.You seem to have a personal vendetta against me-what's up??
What products are you affiliated with? I don't follow you around AudioGon taking pop-shots.You may have experiences that are valuable to the members of this website.Actually ,I was deciding between a Dynavector and Shelter for my table-I chose the Shelter.Enough said!
Offering advice or recommendations on any product without disclosing your commericial status is quite unprofessional and I sir, question your motives and ethics. I shall continue to challenge any post without your disclosure. Unlike you I have no fiduciary interest in these products. What say you?
I can disclose being Lloyd Walkers' smallest dealer,if it will make you happy.I don't understand how
my business relationship with Lloyd would have any bearing on the choice of cartridge here.I am not selling it,it is being sold to this person by VPI and he has been asked to make a choice.
It is all well and good to call me "unprofessional..and question my motives and ethics",but who was I offending on my cartridge experience?
I will accept your right to RANT,but are there underlying issues here,have I personally attacked you or done a dis-service to you or a close friend?
Maybe this should be the topic of a forum,and let others chime in.
Theaquaman.how do you feel about myposting on your forum topic,would it change your impressions of what I said?
It's not up to aquaman to decide this. I have no personal grudge against you sir and you have not attacked me in any way. My position is any dealer posting on any topic should disclose the fact that he/she is in the business. It simply eliminates all semblance of impropriety and/or conflicts of issues. I do, however, respect the information you offer.