Any audio gifts for Christmas?

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, didja receive anything audio-related as a gift this year? I got two pairs of Maple Audio Works "Ambiance" interconnects. Hooked up my phono stage and CDP this morning using the Ambiance cables, now the break-in period begins.
If "gifts" count as items you've bought for yourself within a week or two of Christmas, count me in : )

Snagged a new DVD/CD player along with a new VCR for the bedroom system ( much to my girlfriends delight ), a DAC for the computer room system, some interconnects and a Pre / Processor for the HT system, new crossover components for two sets of speakers that i've been working on, bought about two dozen new discs and all of the hardware that i needed for the racks that i'm building. On top of that, ( not audio related ), i just bought a new computer and was going to start "dialing it in" for installation tomorrow. The new radar detector goes in sometime this week too, but have to do some "mods" to it first.

BOY, i MUSTA been a REAL good boy this year... Sean
I buy stuff for myself all year so decided to get a CD player for my mom. I ordered some CD's for her & told her to go to the store & play a CD & pick out the one she likes & I'll buy it (she's 1100 miles away). I'm trying to make up for recording over her 8 tracks years ago! (hahaha-BOC sounds pretty cool w/Glenn Miller in the background)

Other than that I got my usual box of Godiva's & a box of cereal (family tradition/joke) and a new pair of slippers to wear while I sit & listen to the stereo. Can you call slippers software?
After paying for my sons driver training course (yes he is nearly 16 now) and his new Microsoft X Box console and software, I only had enough left over for a small stack of new LP's.

It was worth it to see his face.
Nakamichi 682ZX deck,Tara Labs interconnects.The bloody thing sounds better than my $1800.00 CD player.Happy New Year.