Any audio gifts for Christmas?

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, didja receive anything audio-related as a gift this year? I got two pairs of Maple Audio Works "Ambiance" interconnects. Hooked up my phono stage and CDP this morning using the Ambiance cables, now the break-in period begins.
A Yamaha Micro piano craft system MCR-E150 With matching 100 Watt subwoofer. I am amazed at how good the system sounds. Very small and elegant look to boot. High endish sounding without the high end price. Of course this is for bedroom where space is very limited. It is funny the I way I got the green light to buy it. I was looking for a boom box for my daughter (my idea) so that I can browse away.... We did for , oh about five to six diffrent places and I kept going back to this system, on a way passing the well reviwed Denon systems. To me Yamaha was the clear winner. Any way, my wife gave me a green light to buy as a christmas gift and I DID!.

Had great plans for bedroom to build a Tube based system, but for now I (we) will enjoy this christmas gift.
santa got me a new msd electronic ignition for the de tomaso pantera... oops - sorry, wrong kind of music! ;~)

seriously, we also got about ten new cd's w/great sounds to throw at the art di/o dac that has totally transformed my digital world.

doug s.

Sheesh Bob, you must've been an even better boy than i was this year. Between the new Accuphase amp, the VPI TT and Magnum, i think that Santa went broke buying for you. Glad to see that he still had enough pocket change to help your wife out with that table radio though... : )

Doug, i didn't know you had a Pantera. What year is it ? I almost bought an "oldy" ( think it was a '71 ) a few years ago but missed out on it. Instead, i ended up going through about a half dozen WELL massaged "muscle cars" and kept my Stingray. Probably one of my worst moves even though it does look sharp. Oh well, live and learn ( i hope.... ) Sean
I just exchanged my Yamaha micro system ( see post above) for the Denon 'reference' personal system D-F100. (uses Mission 771 series bookshelf speakers) Of course I had to pay little more for the upgrade. I know this time I got it right. I don't know what I was thinking when I bought the Yamaha. While Yamaha is much better than vast amont of choces of boom boxes, it is no match for the Denon reference system. Now I need a good small subwoofer.....
I recieved a Marigo Ultra Series 2 power cord the day after Christmas. I ordered it for my digital source and it souds fabulous. Happy Holidays.