Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005

I'm just wondering how many Agoners will be attending this year's fest?

Any word on any analog goodies this year?
I was really looking forward to putting names to faces soon! Wish I could make it this year, but my son is getting married this month so the budget is shot through winter. The wife and I are planning trips for 2006 and this event is on my list after her Alaskan cruise. It is possibly the only place to get a listen to Teres and Galibier somewhat side-by-side. There's always next year.
Does anyone have the hotel information handy where the Audio Fest will be held to be able to book a room ?
It might be nice to all meet at the hotel bar early on Saturday evening to be able to match up some faces with familiar Audiogon posters.
Larry (Cello), here is the link:

I have a room there (Denver Tech Center) and prices are about what any other hotel in the area is. I arrive Sept 29th, the day before. If you decide to go, call my cell number and lets hook up for dinner.
I forgot to mention, I live in Denver. If anyone is meeting up for dinner or drinks or anything before, during, or after the show, send me an email... I'm probably 15 minutes away from the show.
I'm also 15 minutes from the show. For out of towners if you arrive a day or two before the show, I'll be available to show you around.
Thanks Albert for the awesome pictures last year at the RMAF and look forward to see you again!