VPI Aries 2 , SME IV and Benz Micro Ruby 2 .

I'm getting a VPI Aries 2 turntable as well as an SME IV tonearm. Would the Benz Micro Ruby 2 be a good match for this tonearm/table? How would it compare to the Shelter 901 and the Sumiko Celebration? I listen to Jazz, Classical, Opera, Bluegrass, some Country, Classic Rock, Blues and a little Hip Hop.
How about a Sumiko Talisman Alchemist III? If you're guessing that I don't know much about Sumiko, or this cartridge in particular, you are 100% correct. I've found no Sumiko Celebrations for sale. I missed a Ruby 2 and I declined a seller's counter offer on a Benz H 2.0. Right now there are plenty of demands on my money so I'll probably upgrade later on. Maybe to the Celebration or a Dynavector XV 1s.
After some initial improvement, I was still not satisfied with my setup using the MC 100 ohm setting on my preamp. I had read about the Benz Micro Lukaschek and how it was engineered to complement MC cartridges, and especially, Benz's own wood body series (L2 and Ruby 3). I also read on Ortofon's site how loading an MC higher can open it up. So I bought a Benz Lukaschek PP-1 T-9 and I find that I have gained some openness (not a lot yet). But it differs wildly with different cables and on different records. Some cables work better with some records while different cables that sound horrible on the same records, are the best cables for some other records. Admittedly, all the cables I'm using are cheap ones I've had laying around for years. Radio Shack Gold 'Audiophile' cable, Monster 100 Interlink, Monster M1000 Interlink and the 'garden variety' 50 cent cable that comes with every lo-fi component. The tonearm cable has not been changed. It is still the SME IV's cable.