VPI table, cart and phonostage? - Novice.

I am strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've got 200+ lps in boxes, many relatively new.

My current digital setup is Bel Canto PL-1 Universal player, Krell HTS 7.1 prteamp, Bel Canto 6 channel amp, B & W N 805 speakers. I play mainly Classical and Jazz.

Houston has almost no high end TT dealers. The one store I went into had a Nottingham Spacedeck and I heard a 45 rpm Belafonte disc, and got the vinyl concept in my brain. Wow!

I probably will get a VPI, based mainly on reviews and reputation...also made in USA!

Scout or Scoutmaster? Is there that big a difference? Both are Stereophile Class B,I believe. Are there carts that are "wasted" by putting them on a scout, whereas on a scoutmaster you get that extra value you paid for? Basically, to what level of cart would you go on a scout or scoutmaster?

Should I get a aolid state or tube phono stage for these TTs? Any suggestions. I am somewhat open minded about budget, but I want to get components that are about in the same league. I mean, a $1.5K TT with a $5K cart and a $7K phono stage seems crazy, or does it?

Is the SDS worth getting for either of these?

Also, does anybody out there think I, a novice, can install a cart and set it up myself without an analog saavy compadre around? I've read the beginners guide to cart setup and its not rocket science, so I think I can.

Thanks for the input.
Raul in the world of global feedback and RIAA equalization you know more than me. I am not a techhie. However, in a battle of wits and intellect you are severely overmatched.
Stanhifi: This is another post by your " professional reference " ,about a cartridge:

+++++ " A few things can be posted right now; my associate informs me that it requires 2.7 grams* of tracking force for optimum performance. The manufacturer recommends, at most, 2.2 grams,... " +++++

How can make and advise of this kind? .

The manufacturer VTF range were establish for many performance issues, between them: to centered the coils, to optimum record traking and do the less harm to the record itself, that VTF range has to be with the optimum cartridge suspension works, etc, etc.

You can find in the web site of Mr. Reference many many " great advises " like these two. And you are talking about: " overmatched " ?

+++++ " Raul in the world of global feedback and RIAA equalization you know more than me. I am not a techhie. " +++++

You don't have to be a " techhie ": I'm not.
If you can't understand nothing about RIAA eq ( with all my respect ): what are you doing in an analog forum?

Regards and enjoy the music.