Can I install a new arm on this old table?


I have an old Kenwood KD-500 turntable that I'm borrowing from a friend. The arm seems to be in bad shape, I'd like to replace it. Can I buy a more modern arm and plug it right in to the turntable? Would a Rega work? Is this something that a novice can do, or will I need to get into soldering etc?

A Rega should work and would be a good choice. You'll have to use spacers to adjust the height. With this tagle I wouldn't spend too much on an arm - maybe you could look here for a used one.
Brusson: thanks for your help, much appreciated. I found an RB300 for less than $200, which is on its way. Do you know where one can find these spacers you speak of, and how they're used?

Also, I'll be looking for a cheap MM cartridge. Suggestions?

Rather than; spacers I would suggest a nice VTA adjuster. The best one does not require the arm to be removed to change the height (as in with spacers; major PITA).
Thanks for the suggestion. Can you recommend a decent but cheap VTA adjuster along the lines you've specified?
...the one from Pete Riggle Audio was well reviewed in "Stereophile" a while back and I think Express Machining might make one too.