cause, solution, ideas please...

OK I am born again into the world of vinyl, my humble set-up is as follows:
Onkyo 1027F table
Audio Technica AT-92ED Cartridge
PS Audio 4.5 Pre-amp (with upgraded Cardas Silver Rodium output jacks)
on Navcom Suspension pucks, my table is 5 feet away from my Innersound Eros speaker on a heavy well built stand. I will say that I am not using any special interconnects.
Although I will never expect this to sound like a Walker, or even a Rega table...., but I get the sound of what can best be described as AM radio "like" high frequeny clarity especially in the cymballs and "S's"
Even at my table rigs price and age I dont think that this should be expected performance, if it is then screw vinyl, but please help me figure out what are my options, what may be the cause, and cheap solutions, at what amounts to a roughly $900 set-up (new) I cant imagine this is what should be tolerated.
P.S. my records are well kept and treated with Realistic anti-static cleaner with a velvet brush.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PLEASE HELP!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Chad, I'm going to suggest the same idea as I pass to anyone that will listen... have you tried vibration control? I am now using it in my system and the results were jaw dropping! I'm not using a Turntable at this time but, when I do go back to it the fist thing to buy will be Bright Star Audio vibration control peices or others that are in the same leauge. I had to get a just a bit of thinking expansion to help me with this but, it is an absolute necessity for me now and I don't know how I've ever done without it, yes it makes that big a difference! Plus it has been so cost effective that it has let me hear what has been missing in inner details and helped with extentions and NATURAL PRESENTATION the way the music is supposed to be.Beleive me when I tell you that it calmed the harshness of my CDs and relaxed the presentation again I can't say just how startling the differences are, IMHO you might want to look into this, it just may shock you, hope it helps.
Make sure the recordings were not digitally mastered. I've found that LP's made in the 80's and so, love the digital mastering process. It sounds horrible. A present day analog mastered CD will sound better than a digitally mastered LP, IMHO.

Recordings aside, how old is the cartridge? Is it set up properly? VTA, VTF, etc.

Sounds like the RIAA equalization is not in the circuit. Is this possible? Have you tried the PS 4.5 with other analog set-ups and know that it works properly? Good luck.