Great cartridge mate for SME lV arm

I've got the Benz M2 cartridge in my system now. It renders detail well and adds little to the sound. I'm actually looking for a MC cartridge with a little more punch. I hear the Shelter 901 is nice, but I am not certain how it would work with my arm and I wouldn't mind hearing from others before popping the money out. I have it all mounted on an Oracle MKV table.
Any helpful suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
David, it sounds like the gain of your phono stage is right on the edge of what is required to run the Dynavector cartridge. While your phono stage might well have enough gain to get the job done, given the substantially higher output of the Shelter cartridge, I agree that this would be your safest bet. I think that the Dynavector cartridge is, overall, the better performer, but, if you don't have enough gain to run the cartridge, you would be left with no recourse but to upgrade your phono stage, sell the cartridge, or listen at less than fully satisfying volume levels.

By the way, I think the least of your worries is the tracking weight of the Dynavector cartridge. This certainly does not pose a risk to your vinyl. And if it provides you with any piece of mind, I should tell you that I have been running my Dynavector XV-1s at 2.0g VTF, and the sound is incredible. My advice to you is to disregard the VTF in making your decision. The question of whether your phono stage has sufficient gain is much more relevant.
Thanks for your personal experience with the SV-1 Bob. I guess I'd assumed to get the full value from the cartridge, one needed to run it at the highest possible VTF. Not the case as your letter last post points out. It still is "incredible" at 2.0 g VTF. I wouldn't mind upgrading my phono stage at some point, but taking things with some degree of moderation leads me to think the biggest improvement might be had in swapping out the Benz M2 for something more refined, vs doing the phono stage now, and the cartridge later. With that in mind, I think I'll go with the higher output 90x. Then, later on, after I upgrade the phono stage, if I still find myself wanting more at that point, maybe I could move to the Dynavector. I'll keep my eye out for a good shape used 90 X here on the gon for a while, and if nothing pops up, just get a new one. I'm thinking perhaps someone will sell their 90x when moving up to the SV-1.
Some of my looking will take place after a 2 week visit to St. John starting this Sunday. I mention that in case anyone wants to email me with a lead on a used 90X.

Thanks again,
This is just a follow up to thank everyone for there input on a cartridge to mate with my arm/system. The winner was the Shelter 90x for me. It's been in place a week or so now, and it's just what I was looking for. Thank you for all your input.

Dear David: Good choice. You will be happy with what the 90X has to offer to your music.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have been reading all the threads in anticipation of purchasing a new cartridge to replace my Shelter 901. Tonearm is an SME V. The Dynavector is one of my top candidates as is the Shelter 90X. Maybe leaning toward the Dyna as it can be re-tipped; I understand the Shelter cartridges cannot be re-tipped.

I listen to classical music 85%, the rest a mix of all other types.

I did have interest in the ZYX Airy-3, but not so sure now; I definitely do not want a forward sounding cartridge. The 901 is a wee bit forward, but w/out glare. I realize at this lofty level much is a matter of taste.

Could folks who have heard, kindly describe the sonic differences between the 90X and the XV-1S.

Thanks much in advance!