Need MC Step-Up Transformer advice?

I'm thinking of a different approach dealing with my low output Benz MC Cartridge.
What is the feeling and opinion in this forum about Step-Up transformers .vs. active amplification.

Right now I'm using a Audible Illusions M3A (With Gold Phono boards), Levinson Amp and Quads.
I will probably be changing preamps soon - not sure to what.

Anyone have experience with multiple transformers that can guide me towards some and away from others?

Thanks, Steve
Hi Sojs. Agreed, only personal experience counts.

You compare a step-up + SA-9 to MCP-33, yet you think the problem was the step-up only? The comparison is not valid.

I have compared high and low output carts on the same phono pre amp; the low output carts with a step-up. The low output cart with step-up was always a little bit better - more speed, more detail, more sparkle.

Having used (and liked) tx103s I find it strange that you consider them un-involving and lacking in dynamics. Apart from an issue with your phono, it is possible the step-up where not burned in as you think. Unless you drive them many hundred hours with about 2.0-5.0 mV they will never burn in. No amount of time behind a low output MC will ever run them in; in fact they slowly go green again.

As a rule I give my step-ups long burn in times with approx. 2.0-3.0 mV input every couple of months (when I can remember).

Agreed that step-ups are quieter. For signals lower than approx. 1.0 mV active amplification is simply too noisy.

I use vacuum tube phono only once the signal exceeds 2.0mV, and never ever use transistor phono or pre-amplification. Transistors make my Koetsu and Benz Ref sound like a $100 CD player. Some people like that sound so they can run MC transistor phonos.

My preference is step-ups plus a vacuum tube MM phono stage rather than active MC phono.

Dear Doug: Now, I think that you can understand the why's of our ZYX differences in opinions: you like many other " likes to swim full dress on Tuxedo ". Doug this statement is in good shape: please no bad feelings. I think Larry too and the transformer coupled phonopreamp of Patrick is the same. Unfortunatelly all of you never know for sure which is the real performance of the ZYX cartridges till you have the right phonopreamp.

regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Paul, the TX-103 that I was using was burned-in from Bent audio. I have asked for 100% burn-in, and John did it for me. I don't have any idea about how many hours is actually needed for a complete burn-in. I have assumed that Bent audio would have known what is optimal burn-in period. Maybe I need to try after more burn-in, but I doubt that I have that much patience and time since I am currently very much satisfied with my current systm.

Here is a little more description about my feelings with
Acoustat model 8 speakers

Modified (by Mike Savuto of Analogue Associates) Acoustat Servo OTL mono power amps

Modified (Dynamicaps, removed transistor buffer stages, circuit board damping, naked vishay output volume registers, Blackgate 'lytic caps throughout except for low voltage apps, etc) Counterpoint SA-9 phono preamp with Amperex Buggle Boy 6DJ8s

Modified (Vishay registers, Blackgate caps, Dynamicaps, etc) Music Reference RM-4 pre-preamp with Amperex white PQ 6922s

Stock Audio Research MCP-33 pre-preamp with Amperex Buggle Boy 6DJ8s

Shelter 501 II or ZYX Airy II Copper cartridge

Despite the fact that both the phono stage and the prepreamp are tube units, the RM-4/Counterpoint SA-9/Shelter 501 (0.4mv) combo sounds extremely quite and I cannot hear any noise at all at the listening position. I need to get close to about 1 or 2' to the speakers to hear any tube noise. When I substitute RM-4 with MCP-33 I get very faint tube noise from my listening position. So, the RM-4 is quiter than the MCP-33. The RM-4 got considerably quiter after mod with premium parts. The RM-4 with ZYX (0.24mv) is more noisy but I am not distracted by the noise. In fact I can live with it since it sounded very very real and live. Noray Jones's voice is extremely real and alive with the ZYX.

TX-103: The most problem I had with it is that it's dynamically compressed. Could be burn-in or system matching issue, but that's the feeling I and my audiophile (classical guitar professor) friend have concluded.

Stock MCP-33: More dynamic that TX-103 with pleasing instrumental tone.

RM-4: Very dynamic and alive. very musical.

I think we need to keep an open mind when it comes to Audio. There are so many variables and systems that we can never predict the outcome.

Dear Pauly: +++++ " - more speed, more detail, more sparkle. " +++++

I know for sure that that is what you are hearing and you are right in what you are hearing.

Pauly this is a form in what the distortions tell you " I'm here ". That sparkle is not a better quality sound: it is distortion. It is not easy to explain here about because the best way to do it is making some change in our audio system ( where we are sure there will be less distortion ) and hear what happen with that change that is supposed has less distortion.

This is something that I learn many years ago when I change a tonearm interconect cable for something better: what I hear that time?: less sparkle and " less high frecuencies ", even the loudness in the volumen goes down ( at least I percivied like the volumen goes down ). I was very disapointed about and I return to the old cable that give me more " speed, clarity and sparkle ". One week later I return to the better cable and I understand what happen: less distortion. From that day I always know , speaking of distortions, when any change I do was for the better or worse. From that day I don't have to do any meausure to be sure about and if I take the meausure this one confirm what I'm hearing. Of course that's don't mean that if we have a dull sound in our system and after we do some change and with that change the sound is no any more dull but open and shining, that this is because there are more distortions: no, we have to have a lot of experience about to know for sure when what we are hearing are : distortions.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Steve (Sojs). From your description your setup sounds very good and by no means did I infer otherwise. Nor am I inferring (like some other poster continually does) that you are somehow lacking in discerning between 'good' and 'bad' sound. I am sure your ear is good.

My comments pertaining to the tx103s were because your description of its performance (compressed/constrained) is similar to mine but with green step-ups.
