Best cable for Graham 2.2

Anybody know a very good cable for this tone arm. Is silver worth the money or should I get copper??? Mike
Hi BlueRanger,

Based on my personal experience, I would vote for the Purist Audio Venustas; if you wish to spend that much money. My second choice would be the Silver Audio - Silver Breeze (which I now have for sale here after upgrading to the Venustas). The Silver Breeze is very detailed and accurate. You will notice much inner detail that you have been missing, and more dynamics in both the treble and bass. You will also notice greater interplay in the harmonics of the music. It will seem more musical. Compared to the Silver Breeze, the Venustas seems to have a "darker background" - lower noise floor from which the music emerges, while every other quality is similar to the Silver Breeze.

I have not heard better cables than these two.

I believe that the Hovland and Ayre cables are better than the Ic-70, but have not heard them.

I presume that you are looking for a DIN to RCA connection. There are generaly several cables configured that way for sale on Audiogon at any time.

Best of Luck,

Other than the Purist Venustas ($1800 msrp, but available for half that depending who you know) or the Dominus (if you own oil wells) I think the two next best are the Music Groove (already mentioned) and the Cardas Golden Reference.
The IC-70 is a good value, but according to those who've mentioned it here on Agon (I haven't heard it myself, OK) not in league with the three above.

Duffy, I almost bought the Silver Breeze, when the Venustas came up at a price I couldn't refuse :~) So your comments made me feel very good. What kind of cartridge/phono-pre are you using?
Do you know if your friends had heard the IC-70 in their systems and then preferred the Hovland ?
Thanks for the comments. Have you heard the IC-70 in your own system and compared it to the Silverline and or Venusta ? What is the list price for the Venusta (for how long a run)?
Cello, re Music Groove v. IC-70, I have checked past correspondence with no luck, unfortunately. I'll post if I find out.