Any thoughts on the Avid Acutus?

Would be replacing Oracle Delphi V, Triplanar IV, Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum with the Avid, Triplanar VI, Benz Micro LP Ebony. My ears tell me I'd be nicely enhancing my former rig's sound with a similar but more dynamic sonic signature. Or is this an expensive lateral move?

I think it is more than a lateral move as the Acutus is a much better table and you are also improving your Triplanar a couple of generations.
I would change the table and arm but keep your cart and you will notice the differences.
Moves like this are always expensive for small improvements unfortunately.
If you can do go for it.
How is Acutus "much better"? My guess would be somewhat better bass but what else? I believe this is more a flavor change than a significant upgrade.
Thanks for your thoughts. You bring up some interesting and valid points. One reason for changing the whole rig is that my dealer is selling the Acutus as a demo package deal (it's already setup and ready to go and it's a Triplanar VII not VI)) and will give me a nice trade-in value for for my current rig. Regarding the difference in sound the Acutus has much better bass but also an incredibly low noise floor that allows the music to emanate from a blacker space. It also seems to stage better with greater depth and is more dynamic. The Oracle does have a sweeter midrange and is more forgiving. It may well be a flavor change but if the deal is right I'll probably do it.
Well, you've thought it out pretty well. The VII is a great arm. It's what I have on my TNT 6 Hotrod. Be sure the setup is correct to get the most out of it. I hope you have a good dealer who really knows how to set up a turntable. So few do these days.
Dear Khrys: The all metal Acutus design is a better TT than your Oracle and the VI is a better tonearm than your four: in this two subjects you are winning, no question about.

Now, before you change the whole " things ", try to hear the KRSP on the Acutus. I own both cartridges and they have different music presentation: you have to hear both on your system and after that to take a decision.

Regards and enjoy the music.