Anyone heard the Sota Millenia?

Looks good on paper and comes from good lineage. I like the composite materials and vacuum hold down. It would be nice to get a solution for a second arm but I would contact Sota for such an idea. I would be concerned about the sapphire jewel bearing as I've heard that jeweled bearings can shatter.
Dan,if you want some voicing options,equal to the difference in sound between two arms,get some different brands,but high quality NOS tubes.This will definitely give you a bang,for the buck.Unfortunately it'll probably cost as much as the additional arm,with the prices for good NOS being absurd,these days!!In my phono-stage I currently have KILLER Siemens CCa's.I,also have two different sets of superb Ediswan phono tubes(as back-ups).Different characteristics with the Ediswans having a bit more swagger,but the CCa's(mine are lower noise than almost any previously available)that I have are like listening to GOD's phono section.Only a fellow hobbyist,like you could understand!

Best regards!
Speedy, I'm just beginning to learn what you already have found with tube choices so I do appreciate the "God's phono section" description. (Good chuckle on that one!) That technique you mention about voicing with the with the tubes is something I had not given serious thought to. I mean the idea is right there in my face but I hadn't connected the dots. I haven't started seriously buying tubes for my phono stage yet but I'm already down over a grand with driver tubes for the amps and some good Telefunkens and Amperex in the pre. But with the excellant results that I'm getting I do believe that this "tube sound" is the major part of what I've been looking for. The depth, ambiance and timbre are all there, with my damn CD player! Oh well, it's a no lose situation. The last two tables I've bought because I was there at the right time. That's just what it took to get me where I'm at now. This time I want to take some time and make an well though out decision on this one.

Thanks and keep those ideas coming!

Dear Dan: I agree with you: the vacumm hold down is a very desirable " must " in a TT. Basis and Sota are good examples on it.

You can try to find ( second hand ) and Audio Technica vacuum hold down platter and " open " your TT choices . Then you can choose, for example, for an Acoustic Signature Mambo TT that is a multi-arm TT at very good price and is a great performer too.

Looking at your very fine system: maybe a XV-1 Dynavector cartridge can give you a lot of music pleasure over what you have today.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the suggestions, Raul. I almost bought an Acoustic Signature table here in the listing, but waited to long. I no longer have the Basis so I'll have to wait until I get another table to try the Dynavector.
BTW-Dan,Sometimes the best thing you can do,to aid you,in this hobby(and it will cost you nothing),is to make an attempt to hear a few really good set-ups,that other hobbyists own.Bring some of your own program material to listen in these systems.It is easy(with common sense,and a good ear)to get a feel for differing presentations,and system voicings,which can influence us to move closer to a specific set of performance parameters,we may hear and like.Sometimes it's only an adjustment,but what happens frequently,is that we learn about what is important in reproducing what we are ultimately striving for.I have been greatly aided by this,and it has given me great cause to think things through.I've benefited,in musical terms.Live music IS great,but you have to hear other set-ups to compare to what we already "think" is accurate.I hope this makes sense!

Best regards.