Linn LP12......That good??

I have an Ariston RD80 (very good) and a Thorens TD 160, also very good.
How good are the Linn Lp12 tt's??
I am always looking for the best most impressive sound.
I will have to sell the Ariston/Thorens if i buy the Linn because i will not need 3 turntables!
The Ariston almost looks like the Linn by the way.
So how great are the Linn's and what is the best combination to buy?
I was not implying you were crusty, paranoid (or a blogger). Indeed, your comments in this thread have struck me as measured and reasonable, which made it striking when you linked them to Salvadore, whose opinions are none of these things. And I do not speak about his LP 12 opinions alone. If he said nothing at all about the LP 12, or even if he said he liked it, I would still think he is a crank and a bit of a quack. He states views on many other audio matters in an absolute, arrogant manner that grate when you know he is dead wrong as measured by your tastes and those of many of your friends. But more than my finding him irritating, I think it is important for me to push back anytime someone sites him in one of these threads as authoritative, lest less experienced posters become confused that he speaks with any sort of legitimacy on audio beyond his own highly personal opinion. People must make up their own mind based on their own ears, and I believe trusting Salvadore for many is a recipe for sonic disaster and wasting money. He is so far off the mark on many quite expensive recommendations (again, at least based on my ears and those of many others I know).
Ho-hum, this is getting tiresome.
Newmanoc - I'm very happy that you are happy with your Linn. Really!
I am also very happy with my TNT.
Shall we leave it at that.
I agree - it is getting tiresome. Let's leave it and go listen to some music.
I don't back off on my general assessment of Salvadore, though do regret calling him a "bit of a quack." That was not kind or mannerly of me. And yes, I can find some things he says that I agree with.
Newmanoc. Rather sad to see you slate Mr. Salvatore the way you do. Having corresponded briefly with him in the past I found him to be well spoken, polite and gentlemanly. Audio is richer having characters like him around and I found his website very insightful, well thought out and for the most part very accurate. Including his comments about the LP12.

You say of Salvatore 'he is just some guy with a blog, a crusty temperament, and no small amount of a persecution complex.', 'dripping with what appear to be best described as his personal issues', 'simply ignorant or passionate beyond rationality', 'sort deep set of personal issues'

I went to the trouble of looking at the list of equipment you posted; out of 11 items you posted, 9 have the Linn brand name. My word! Rather bizarre you would accuse Mr. Salvatore with having 'personal issues' when it is quite clear to see who is having them.