Holfi Battriaa better than Levinson No 25 S ??

Wow. Just hooked a Battriaa on my Levinson system. The Holfi seems MUCH more transparent, creating a far wider sound stage. Very articulate. This makes my 25S sound as if a towel has been hung over my Avalon speakers ...

Please comment.
Hi Blackblade :)

The Pre NB1 is a dream, someday. I use the pre nb2/ power nb2 now with built in phono stage. Peter and I are friends, so I get lots of explanation from him, he's a simple nice fellow but very smart :)

Holfi turntable, Matilda is very nice too. I use 3 different Lencos ..... musical and dynamic. I also prefer vintage MMs :) So my nice MC phonostage is wasted.

I actually have some collection of other good hifi, but I am selling them all off, cos I never listem to them if I compare to the Holfi.

Their Multiplayer is interesting too.

Which part of the world are you from? Is holfi doing well there?

IMO; It would not be difficult to find a SS phono stage which betters the 25S. I always thought that it sucked the life out of the music, and that was after persevering with it for several years and the dealer telling me it would get better with more hours.
I traded mine for a ClearAudio Balanced Reference Phono.
Dear Scousepasty: I admire ML products especially amplifiers where ML is really good on design.

About preamps it still have good designs but not on the same amplifier level design.
Where I can say ML is at lower level design is on phono stages, this audio link IMHO always was/were ML weak side including 25S.

Obviously that a ML dealer has to support it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Eisubius,
I'm about 120km frome P.Holsteins Holfi factory i Denmark, ( I'm from Sweden) and i to know Peter, as you say a very nice guy.
I have Pre NB 1.5.1 Power NB 250 and Batriia 2 as well as Xaurus CD and finally Holfi Sonair speakers.
So its a full setup. What i could upgrade are the poweramp to the batterydriven unit and a Batriia ref. Maybe some fine day :)
Where are you situated.
best regards
Hi Blackblade,

I'm in Malaysia.
We are one of their earliest markets in Asia.

I had a few opportunities to own a Xandra but I simply find the sound unnatural, like pieces put together but dis-jointed. Some of the cheaper models sound nicer, but I use a nice Denon DCD1650, a CD player made in Japan only for the Jap market :)

I design and build speakers and so use my own. The funny thing is that I completed my 4 way floorstanders just 2 months before the first pair of Sonairs arrived here. Very similar sound, but mine is cheaper, hahahahahaha! Weighs 115kgs per unit.

The multiplayer is better than the Xandra in my opinion.

Whats your opinion on the Pre NB1 vs Pre NB 1.5.1?

Whats your opinion on the Power NB1 vs Power 250?

Would be nice to hear from you.
