VPI Scout w/ JMW-9 vs Aries w/ JMW-10

Hi there, I am considering upgrading from a VPI Scout to the Aries and was wondering if anyone out there as any advice for me regarding the two tables...
Thanks in advance!!!
Some folks are of the opinion that the Scout series are the Aries series with a smaller footprint. The stock Scout is usually pretty quiet if it's setup on a good stand/shelf combination. The 900.00 cost to upgrade the Scout to Scoutmaster is money well spent IMHO. You get a double plinth with a steel layer, a MUCH quieter 300 rpm motor and the Aries platter/bearing. The retail of the Scoutmaster and the Aries are pretty close as well.
Just to play devil's advocate for the moment: What if you were to keep the Scout, upgrade the platform on which it sits, and maybe move up the Dynavector line of carts to say, the 20X or the 17D (something you probably wind up doing if you buy the Aries), and maybe think about a motor controller like the SDS or the Walker? If you sell the Scout and invest in the Aries and a new cart, I am concerned that the jump in quality relative to expenditure will not be as great as careful tweaking and setup of your current table or an upgrade of the existing to the SM. Just my two cents of course. Keep us informed....
you gotta ask yourself if the upgrades and/or money lost from selling the old table is worth it. the boyscout trail is littered with consumers desiring more. if you must stick with vpi, go for something in the hw series or get out now before you need to upgrade again and again.
I use my Scout with Dynavector 17d2 mk2 (something or other)around $700 - It's about the highest I will go without getting another table, but it actually works with the VPI. It will give you much better tansient response and detail.
Thanks for the overwhelming response...
You're all right, price point upgrade is key...
I got the scout used and wouldn't lose too much upon selling and upgrading...what do you think if the Aries and JMW-10 was $2000? I am sure I can get $1000 or so for the Scout, so, its a $1000 upgrade, and you're right...its probably not too smart...I think the upgraded motor to SDS or cartridge, which I've been thinking, is a better investment. Thanks for the responses.

I was thinking Van De Hul cartridges, but they are expensive, what about a Shelter 901 used or and Orfoton...
Any other suggestions on the cartridges?

I'm not familiar with the Scout/Scoutmaster, however I have an Aries with JMW-10/van den Hul Frog, and I'm more than happy. This an original Aries with no upgrades. This table is dead silent. I did spend extra time to make sure it was leveled and set up right. The table sounds awesome.


Paul :-)