What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2

I have a VPI Aries 2, an SME IV and a Benz Micro L2. I know this isn't the best matchup but I like the Benz quality and the soundstage depth as well as the instrumental tones. I expect it will get even better when 'broken in'. With this table, what would be the best tonearm to let this cartridge open up and really sing?
I believe the Triplanar VII (or earlier versions) works exceptionally well with VPI tables and Benz cartridges. The Graham 2.2 or Phantom works very well also if you prefer a slightly cooler, more detailed sound. I think both arms sound significantly better than VPI's own JWM. I just heard a Phantom on a super scoutmaster drop some jaws with both a couple of Benz cartridges and a Koetsu RSP.
The Benz L2 is breaking in beautifully on my Aries 2 and SME IV. I have been blown away by how much improvement has come over just a few more hours of playing. I have had several combinations of arms/cartridges in the past, but I have never experienced such a 180 degree turn in performance! In future I might still try something like a Graham 2.2. I noticed that there was no mention of any cheaper arms like the Audioquest PT 9. What if the PT 9 had a drop counterweight like those from Express Machining?
I have been very pleased with my L2 in a Moerch DP6 with 12" red wand. The sound improved steadily as the L2 broke in. I can't say when the improvements stopped, but it was probably in the 75-90 hour range (it now has slightly over 100 hours).

I also have a JMW 10 which I haven't tried yet with the L2, but the VPI arm worked extremely well with a Glider M2. I preferred the Moerch with the Glider, but the VPI arm has a smooth, rich, dynamic sound that is certainly a viable alternative.
