What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2

I have a VPI Aries 2, an SME IV and a Benz Micro L2. I know this isn't the best matchup but I like the Benz quality and the soundstage depth as well as the instrumental tones. I expect it will get even better when 'broken in'. With this table, what would be the best tonearm to let this cartridge open up and really sing?
The JMW-9 will accurately track only a handful of inexpensive cartridges. If one moves up the audio chain, leave the JMW-9 behind. Despite the attempts to upgrade the 9, VPI's other arms are far superior to it
The JMW-9 Signature arm is a significant upgrade over the regular JMW-9 tonearm and now can handle a wider variety of cartridges.

I have not had any tracking problems with my Shelter 901 cartridge.
I had good results with the SME IV using a Benz Glider L2 and after trading up to the Aries 2 and the 10.5 I ran this cart for awhile. It was noticeably better, but after awhile it seemed a bit out of place that I had a $750 cart with a $4000 rig so I got a good trade for a new Urushi and that has elevated the system far beyond my initial expectations; three years later I am still completely satisfied with this set up. I believe Koetsu and VPI are highly compatible.