Sick of static-y Rega felt mat

I have a P3 Rega, which I'm very pleased with, except that the stock felt mat is so static-y that removing a record from it quickly becomes a comical routine which involves me shaking the record to remove the mat or peeling it off. Basta! Can anyone recommend an alternative? Preferably cheap, preferably the same thickness as the Rega mat since I do not have a VTA. Thanks!

I know I'm chiming in (too) late, but I've recently been using a variant of this mat on my P3/RB300/Denon DL160. It's slightly thicker than the standard Rega felt, so VTA will be affected. It avoids the static issues with the standard felt mat, and so far I'm happy with the sound and ease of use--compared to, say, the None-felt variants, which are tricky to use without starting & stopping the platter after every side. It's also super-cheap: a sheet of the foam cost me 36 cents, including tax.

I find living with a Linn Sondek Lp12 and the felt mat that it came with is not a static problem. My home is an old forced air system which one might think would lend itself to the problem yet it doesn't. The only thing I can think of is that I do not play a single record that hasn't gone through my VPI machine and had a good washing. This includes the new ones to rid them of mold release.
I have tried other mats such as the extreme non-felt that I would highly NOT recommend as it leaves a sticky matter on the record surface. Most like the Ring Mat are expensive and I don't hear the improvement. LOL Cheers!
I have the same issue with my P25 and I have found that Radio Shack Anti-Static spray works. I does require re-treatment occasionally. Make sure to let it dry before you use the mat again. Sorry it doesn't tighten the bass or make any sound improvements. But it does take to worry out of having the mat drop and spin in to the cartridge.
The felt mat sounded dull on my LP 12, the Ringmat was bright, so there's been a natural-sounding Herbie's on it for quite a while now.