ASR Basis Exclusive and WHICH MC cartridge??

I am looking for the best solution regarding MC cartridge.
My analog front end consist of Kuzma Stabi Reference turntable with Kuzma Airline tonearm and ASR Basis Exclusive phono preamplifier.
Budget for cartridge is approxim. $2,000-2,500.
I have heard Benz Micro LP Ebony(which is more expansive)with the same Kuzma combo and Manley Steelhead phono pream and was great for my taste.
What do you think about Shelter 90x,Koetsu Urushi Tsugaru(black),Urushi Vermilion(red), Urushi Wajima(gold),ZYX cartrides which are in this price range, or something else?
ASR Basis Exclusive is solid state component and a little to the yin side of the spectrum(TAS review).

Thank you.
HI Schorly,

I am using two Stan-Klyne 7PX5 Phono-Pre .
If the price is to high for these other MC-Model's
try getting a ZYX FS 100 (System is in a low price range.)
Best regards
get a ruby 3 wood or naked if you like the LP it´s the same generator as the LP the only difference is the wood and is cheaper. if it matters to you benz has really great retipping conditions compared to others where most of the money you spent on the cart is lost when a damage occurs or the cartridge is worn (wich can happens quicker than one thinks)...
Im running the ASR Basis Exclusive phono with Graham Phantom Supreme Tonearm and Clearaudio - Da Vinci v2 MC Cartridge.I do pick up floor noise more then other system I have heard.I happy with the results of the ASR Basis Exclusive!!
I am using the same Kuzma Stabi Reference table but with Triplanar VII arm. I think this combination is pretty neutral, and I have a friend who used to have the ASR Basis Exclusive, which I have had substantial listening sessions with.

Your total combo is still pretty neutral and so now U have a chance to determine the tonality of yr system with a choice of cartridge.

Last week, I was still using the Jade Platinum and it had the usual midrange magic that Koetsu is well-known for, and still has the extension on both ends to make one satisfied

Now I am using the Blue Lace Plat. with diamond cantilever, which retains the same midrange magic but with even better extension and (surprise, surprise) speed than the Jade. But the Jade is a shade lusher

FWIW, I think you can experiment with a cartridge which is less than neutral if you are looking in that direction

Cheers ... Peter