JWM10 with TNT Cartridge help PLEASE

I just recently bought a VPI TNT with JWM 10 tonearm and I need advice on what cartridge to purchase? Sumiko Celebration or Benz Micro L2 or M2. Please anyone with knowledge in this field will be greatly helpfull.
Kehut - Have been thinking about your note above.
The Helicon is spec'd at "Compliance: Approx. 12 x 10 x (1/1000000) / dyne at 100 Hz" , haven't found spec's yet on what would be ideal for a jmw10, but I thought the Lyra's spec's were middle of the road & it should tend to be forgiving for most arms?
Other thing, I stold the following from audio asylum;
"Compliance figures given for cartridges don't always tell the whole story. They are usually dynamic compliance at 100Hz, which may have little similarity to compliance at 10Hz resonance. For example, I have a Denon DL-301II, which is specified by Denon to have 13 mm/N compliance at 100Hz. However, this cartridge actually has a static compliance of 35 mm/N and a compliance at resonance of about 26 mm/N. It is really a high compliance moving coil, as is the DL-S1."
Which kind of mirrors a gut feel that a single compliance number was maybe an oversimplification.
Still haven't come to comfortable terms on the issue, my gut tells me that some notes I read about woofer pumping being a potential compliance issue (and sometimes fixable by adding mass to the headshell and rebalancing) might also be on track (no pun intended).
Best Regards


I would tend to agree with you on that single number of dynamic compliance as being perhaps a broad generalization or simplification in absolute terms as the only issue of compatability. But, certainly not one to be ignored as you stated previously.

Intersting to note that indeed the Helikon's Dyn compliance figure of 12 puts it in the area of acceptability and middle ground for use on the JMW...Lyra also recommends mounting the Helikon in a rigid, fixed bearing or linear tracking type tonearm of med. mass. This perhaps lends to suggestion that UniP's are not welcome players for this cart...A sentiment I tend to believe and as others have attested to...

Anyway..I sold my Aries/JMW to return to the more conventional designs once again as there has been much activity on that front and no shortage of many great arms nowadays to try out!..Thanks and happy listening!
Dear radrog: The Sumiko Celebration is a top pmusic performer and at its price a " bargain ": highly recomended over the Benz, ZYX or Shelther.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thank You Raul. Finally some one answered my question. It seems everyone turned my thread into there thread. I value your opinion greatly.

Thanks Roger
Kehut - Interesting (or maybe not, but anyway I thought it was), took a gander at VPI's website today. They now offer a 3 gram weight for use with low compliance/low mass cartridges. Whether or not it would make a great difference I have no idea but the price was only $15.00.