Teres, Galibier and Redpoint

After a lot of research deciding whether I should upgrade the motor on my Avid Volvare or my cartridge I have now decided that upgrading my transport is the way to go. I don't have to worry about motor compatability problems and I can always upgrade my cartridge at a later date. Being that I nearly always prefer pursueing the small company, and that the unsuspended route seems right, the three shops above have really caught my interest.

The Teres 320 or 340, Galibier Gavia and Redpoint Model A all cost about the same. But the same problem arises, I don't have an opportunity to hear and compare them and unless it's on my system, it doesn't really matter. I in no way mean to insult Chris, Thom or Peter, but what seperates these three tables in term of sonics? I say this only because they are contributors to this forum. Anyone have any opinions?

My arm is a Tri-Planar VII. Phonostage a Thor. Art Audio SET amps. Systrum rack. Thanks for your input. Richard
Hi Albert,

Yes, I think all three use the Maxon DC motor. Unless things have changed, only Teres and Redpoint are using the feedback controller that was developed during the original project. It uses a closed loop feedback controller with a sensor in the plinth that "watches" a strobe pattern on the plinth. This is how the Teres is implemented and I'm guessing that the Redpoint does the same.
Guys - This is great! All three tables use a DC motor. Which I think is the better choice, as is the battery option.
I have an earlier version of the Redpoint Testa Rosa which I got when Thom and Peter were partners. I have recently upgraded to Galibier's newest platter which has brass and graphite rather than teflon. The brass and graphite is a huge improvement over the teflon topped platter which I had. IMHO much improved dynamics and clarity. As far as sound I doubt that you could go wrong with any on your list. I must say that I really like my Redpoint/Galibier and that Thom will go the extra mile to make sure things are right for you if you end up going with him.
What arm and cartridge are you using on the Galibier? How is Thom's trade up policy is he liberal with the trade in values?
Dear Richard,

I am a fan of smaller companies as well and I have profound respect for the three companies you outlined above having spoken with Thom, Peter and Chris myself. All are very nice and accomodating people. Before you make your final decision on what turntable system to purchase, may I suggest that you take a look at the Sound Engineering SE-1 turntable, especially with the flywheel option, and perhaps even speak with Bob Benn regarding his design principle & product. Best of luck in your ultimate analog venture.

Happy New Year fellow Audiogoners!!!