Teres, Galibier and Redpoint

After a lot of research deciding whether I should upgrade the motor on my Avid Volvare or my cartridge I have now decided that upgrading my transport is the way to go. I don't have to worry about motor compatability problems and I can always upgrade my cartridge at a later date. Being that I nearly always prefer pursueing the small company, and that the unsuspended route seems right, the three shops above have really caught my interest.

The Teres 320 or 340, Galibier Gavia and Redpoint Model A all cost about the same. But the same problem arises, I don't have an opportunity to hear and compare them and unless it's on my system, it doesn't really matter. I in no way mean to insult Chris, Thom or Peter, but what seperates these three tables in term of sonics? I say this only because they are contributors to this forum. Anyone have any opinions?

My arm is a Tri-Planar VII. Phonostage a Thor. Art Audio SET amps. Systrum rack. Thanks for your input. Richard
I wanted to resurrect this post just to let people know that there is a date planned, May 13, for a Rumble in the Rockies! On tap is half a day of Galibier and half a day of Teres, with some special Schroeder sauce and TriPlanar garnishments thrown in.

Also, and most special, is the chance to meet many of the Denver area audiophiles.

Anyone who can is more than welcome join in!
I'm going to see my first Galibier table today. I'll report on my impressions tonight.
Hi Richard....I'm all ears!!!!

Dan, I am going to see what I can do that weekend. Another 'goner may be interested also. I have to check the schedules with everyone in the house!
Well, I spent 3 hours listening to the Galibier Gavia with a Moerch arm and a Van Den Hull Black Beuty. Black background and a very tight sense of image focus. It's tough to point out the sonic attributes of the table because all of the electronics were of very high quality as well. But the Galabier was solid and very nicely machined. I was impressed. Because of the seperate motor unit, your rack will require a minimum 23" base to hold both components. My Sistrum rack, as is, would only hold the table.